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'Birds of paradise': The discourse semiotics of co-operative work in pre-Saharan Morocco

Posted on:2005-11-23Degree:Ph.DType:Dissertation
University:The University of ArizonaCandidate:Lepkin, Murray ScottFull Text:PDF
This is a study of an event, the twiza, a form of co-operative work regulated by codified practice ('rf), with the focus being on the way the event is managed (or even created) by talk, especially the talk of the leader or cix. Various kinds of indirection, especially the genre of "teasing" (tqcab), are seen to be crucial to understanding how the cix orchestrates talk in pursuit of his goals, alternating between persuasion and coercion, and how group members at times subvert, at times reinforce, the hegemony of the cix.
Keywords/Search Tags:Co-operative work
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