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Technology diffusion and the beef industry: A communication investigation

Posted on:2008-12-05Degree:Ph.DType:Dissertation
University:Oklahoma State UniversityCandidate:Wright, Michael DavidFull Text:PDF
This dissertation investigates the effects of technology diffusion, communication networks, communication theory, and linguistic principles upon the acceptance of the National Animal Identification System and its accompanying computer technology within the beef industry. By applying those principles, along with ethnographic methods of investigation, it shows that current communications from the USDA and other proponents of the National Animal Identification System are unlikely to be persuasive.; The investigation directly addresses livestock market owners and their customers, showing that communication networks and industry change agents within the scope of the livestock markets are in a position to control information concerning the National Animal Identification System and its accompanying computer technology. Finally, it discusses needs for future research and the need for persuasive language that can be directed toward specific segments of the beef industry.
Keywords/Search Tags:Beef industry, Technology, Communication, National animal identification system
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