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A new engineering approach for indoor air quality manangement in building

Posted on:2010-05-26Degree:Ph.DType:Dissertation
University:Hong Kong Polytechnic University (Hong Kong)Candidate:Wong, Chun SingFull Text:PDF
In November 1993, the Government of HKSAR issued ' A Green Challenge for the Community', which was its second review of the 1989 White Paper. An IAQ Management Group launched the 'Guidance Notes for the Management of Indoor Air Quality in Offices and Public Places' (GN) together with 'A Guide on Indoor Air Quality Certification Scheme for Offices and Public Places' in September 2003. Nevertheless, the specification of 'good' and 'excellent' IAQ criteria have been taken up as acceptable IAQ design and management criteria by building consultants and managers. Unfortunately, it confuses more the IAQ objectives rather than improving or enhancing it. Hence, much of the resources have been wrongly designated.;In this study, a modified sampling protocol for IAQ has been developed, which can be shown to reduce resources requirements that is therefore particularly suitable for periodically monitoring of IAQ rendering a true protection of health and sustaining comfort. The philosophy in this study is to formulate the deficiency in order to render the accomplishment of intended objectives of the GN. Three main problem areas are identified: the lack of typical annual outdoor air quality profile, the difficulty in measuring pollutant emission rates and the undefined ventilation quality degradation.;Outdoor air quality is monitored at 14 locations in Hong Kong. This project takes tremendous effort in compiling over 8.9 millions data into an analyzable format. Not only the outdoor air quality in Hong Kong at these districts can be analyzed, but also an annual typical profile for each pollutant in each monitoring station is derived. To facilitate the ventilation calculation, a term 'pollutant inventory' in defined with a model on evaluation of emission rates of pollutants with high precision. Finally, a four-tier scheme is further elaborated into a pragmatic protocol for evaluation of ventilation quality degradation. This completes a protocol for ventilation management to determine optimum ventilation.;Managing acceptable IAQ is even more demanding as management cannot be totally relied on computation nor design. Therefore, an electronic IAQ manager is established as a novel development. It is welcome by the industry and is expected to innovate the IAQ management protocol.
Keywords/Search Tags:Air quality, IAQ, Management, Protocol
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