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Research On Internet Video Public Opinion Dissemination Of Based On UGC From The Perspective Of Information Ecology Theory

Posted on:2021-03-24Degree:DoctorType:Dissertation
Country:ChinaCandidate:W WangFull Text:PDF
GTID:1368330623477130Subject:Library and file management
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With the advent of Web 2.0 and the wide popularity of mobile intelligent terminals,the mobile short video social platform is rising rapidly.With the user generated content(UGC)as the core,the user becomes the active producer of information from the passive receiver of information.The increasingly convenient operation mode of user shooting and production of UGC mobile short video content reduces the threshold of UGC creation and greatly stimulates the user's creative enthusiasm.All of these factors promote the mobile short video social app to become another important platform for netizens to express their attitudes and opinions on hot public opinion events and participate in discussions after microblogging,wechat and other social platforms.As a special form of traditional Internet public opinion,the Internet video public opinion ecosystem based on UGC is more vulnerable to damage due to the characteristics of high value density and strong communication power of UGC mobile short video information content,which leads to the imbalance of UGC Internet video public opinion information ecosystem,thus affecting the effective dissemination of information and even causing serious social harm.The theory of information ecosystem emphasizes the harmonious development of information person,information,information technology and information environment factors,which can provide a new theoretical perspective and research framework for the research of Internet video public opinion communication based on UGC.Based on the existing research results of Internet public opinion at home and abroad,this paper comprehensively uses literature analysis,empirical research,system dynamics,and simulation research methods to study the Internet video public opinion communication based on UGC from the perspective of information ecology.Specifically,it includes five parts: the third chapter analyzes the mechanism of Internet video public opinion communication based on the information ecosystem theory,which is the core theoretical framework of the full text;the fourth chapter and the fifth chapter,based on the research results of the third chapter,according to the theory of information ecological factors,use empirical research methods,respectively aiming at the influencing factors and communication characteristics of Internet video public opinion communication of UGC In the sixth chapter,based on the theory of information ecological factors,the simulation model of Internet video public opinion communication is constructed by using the system dynamics theory.This chapter is the final theoretical point of the whole paper.In the seventh chapter,according to the research conclusions of the fourth,fifth and sixth chapters,it puts forward effective management measures to strengthen the supervision of Internet video public opinion based on UGC at the practical level,which is the ultimate goal of this paper.The specific research work is as follows:In the third chapter,based on the theory of information ecosystem,the mechanism of Internet video public opinion communication based on UGC is studied.First of all,it puts forward the elements in the process of UGC Internet video public opinion dissemination,which are: the information corresponds to the public opinion noumenon elements of UGC Internet video public opinion,the information person corresponds to the public opinion subject elements,the information technology corresponds to the public opinion media elements,the information environment corresponds to the public opinion space elements,and the UGC Internet video public opinion event itself corresponds to the public opinion object elements;then,on the basis of discussion for the internal power,external power,regulatory power and its influencing factors,causal relationship,this paper deeply discusses the communication power relationship and function form;finally,on the basis of the above research results,this paper constructs the mechanism system model of Internet video public opinion communication based on UGC.In the fourth chapter,based on the theory of information ecological factors,the influencing factors of Internet video public opinion communication based on UGC are studied.Based on the analysis of the factors affecting user communication behavior of UGC Internet video public opinion,and the theory of planned behavior,constructs the theoretical model of the influencing factors of user behavior of UGC video Internet public opinion from the 8 aspects of information satisfaction,timeliness,experience,Internet technology,video processing technology,social economy,community culture and law protect the environment for Tiktok APP.Then,through the questionnaire data collection and statistics,this paper analyze the impact of factors.The results show that the three factors of information,information environment and information technology have a positive impact on the communication behavior of UGC Internet video public opinion through the communication intention;the information factor has the greatest impact on the communication intention of UGC Internet video public opinion users,followed by the information environment and information technology.In the fifth chapter,based on the theory of information ecological factors,the distribution of the characteristics of the Internet video public opinion dissemination based on UGC and the trend with time are studied.First,based on the analysis of the characteristics of the Internet video public opinion dissemination,from the four dimensions of information person,information,information technology and information environment,the analysis framework of the UGC Internet video public opinion dissemination characteristics is constructed.Then,taking the Tiktok APP public opinion event as an example,the crawling data of public opinion are crawled in Python language,and Excel2016 and MiniTab18 are used to crawl the data.Data analysis and drawing.The research results show that the theory of information ecological factors can effectively support the research of Internet video public opinion dissemination characteristics based on UGC,and the change trend of UGC Internet video public opinion characteristics over time conforms to the basic law of Internet public opinion dissemination.In the sixth chapter,based on the information ecosystem theory,the model of Internet video public opinion communication based on UGC is studied.First of all,under the guidance of system dynamics,a dynamic simulation model of network video public opinion communication system based on UGC is constructed,and the equation parameters are determined by expert scoring,and the transformation of the model from qualitative analysis to quantitative research is completed;then,the validity of the model is verified and the sensitivity analysis is carried out by using Vensim PLE software.The results show that: Netizens' query degree has a significant positive impact on the subject force of netizens' information person;information openness has a significant positive impact on the subject force of government information person;perceived ease of use has a significant positive impact on the frequency of interactive communication behavior of netizens;shortterm frequency emotional appeal has a significant positive impact on the information force;short video emotional appeal has a significant positive impact on the Internet Media information environment has a significant positive impact.The seventh chapter is based on the communication mechanism of the third chapter.Based on the theoretical research results of the fourth chapter: characteristics of communication,the fifth chapter: influential factors of communication and the sixth chapter: communication model,it puts forward one system,eight ideas,nine countermeasures,and four mechanisms of network video public opinion management system based on UGC,which is the final foothold of the theoretical research in practice.First of all,based on the theory of information ecological factors,this paper defines the concept of UGC Internet video public opinion management;then,it puts forward effective countermeasures to strengthen UGC Internet video public opinion management;finally,it expounds the innovative supervision mechanism of UGC Internet video public opinion management.The research results indicate that from the perspective of the harmonious development of information ecological factors,in the dimension of information person,we should always adhere to the correct concept of public opinion information ecology,change the concept of UGC Internet video public opinion event disposal,take comprehensive measures to promote the implementation of the network real name system,improve the management of citizens' network information element and social responsibility awareness;in the dimension of information,we should adhere to the combination of "management" and "control",stress the "time","degree" and "efficiency" of information disclosure,and adopt the comprehensive implementation of information content control strategy and information content guidance strategy;In the dimension of information technology,we should establish the collaborative consciousness of information technology development,complete the thinking transformation from "data integration" to "data development",promote the development of public opinion audience identification technology,and draw the characteristics of audience groups portrait,promote the development of public opinion early warning and identification technology,timely lock the control strategy of potential public opinion events;In the information environment dimension,face up to the adverse effect of UGC Internet video public opinion on the behavior of regulatory authorities,adhere to the concept of "good governance" of UGC Internet video public opinion supervision,take measures to improve the legislation of network information behavior,strengthen the ethical norms of network information behavior,and build a harmonious network information behavior management countermeasures of value culture.In addition,the linkage and cooperation of management and control mechanism,guidance mechanism,early warning mechanism and coordination mechanism shall be continuously promoted as the measure guarantee of public opinion supervision.At the theoretical level,this study effectively promotes the construction of the theoretical system of Internet video public opinion research,enriches the research results of the existing Internet video public opinion theory,deepens the application of information ecology theory in the Internet video public opinion management,and provides a new theoretical research perspective for strengthening the Internet video public opinion management;at the practical level,it can provide reference for the regulatory body to recognize the development process and characteristics of Internet video public opinion,and guide the regulatory body to strengthen the management of Internet video public opinion based on UGC starting from the early warning,guidance,coordination and control mechanism of Internet video public opinion.At the same time,guide the development direction of Internet video public opinion management technology and system.In the future research,we will continue to expand the scope of UGC Internet video media dissemination,choose different platforms and categories of public opinion topics,and try to compare and analyze the similarities and differences of simultaneous interpreting of UGC Internet video public opinion on different platforms and different categories of public opinion topics.At the same time,with the development of computer technology,improve the data collection and analysis technology system of video,image,audio and other multimedia information transmission characteristics,and actively use more diversified text and key information extraction methods for data acquisition and analysis,so as to promote the research of Internet video public opinion communication has a broader applicability and pertinence.
Keywords/Search Tags:Information ecology, UGC, Internet video public opinion dissemination
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