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Research On The Thchnologies Of Content Process In Information-centric Network

Posted on:2017-08-17Degree:DoctorType:Dissertation
Country:ChinaCandidate:S GuoFull Text:PDF
GTID:1318330518996018Subject:Communication and Information System
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The concept of the Internet was first proposed in 1960s and 1970s.The primary aim is to realize connectivity among. However, the cost of producing hardware was so high at that time that only a few people can use the Internet to do some professional works. With the development of technology and the reduction of hardware cost, more and more people can afford to buy personal computers. The Internet was widely permeated into many aspects of human life and even has become a part of the life of humans. Over the past 20 years, as a large number of multimedia services,such as video sharing, online games and social media, have sprung up constantly emerging, people demand for the Internet began to gradually shift from end-to-end-based network interconnection to the efficient access to content. When requesting a content, users pay more attention to how to access to content more efficiently rather than the location from where to get the content. The transformation of basic demand makes the current Internet architecture which is based on the pattern of the end-to-end transmission meet the bottleneck of development.In order to make the Internet can better meet the requirement of the current user, the academia puts forward two approach to future network.One is the ’evolution’ way represented by CDN and P2P that optimizes the network architecture through a ’patch’ way. But it can’t solve the issue fundamentally. Another is the ’revolution’ way that redesigns the network architecture through a ’clean-slate’ way in order to adapt to the current user requirements.Among many research on future network architecture,Information-Centric Network which regards the content as the first citizen of the network attracts much attention. A plenty of studies have focus on the key technology including naming, routing, caching and security, etc. This article will study the techonology of content processing for Information-centric Network including how to choose the optimal path, how to get content from multiple content source effectively, content acquisition process modeling in mobile Ad-Hoc network and the method applying ICN into 5G. The detailed content is as follows:1) An ACO-based routing optimization mechanismIn chapter 3, a content activity-based ACO is used to optimal routing in Content Centric Network. First of all, the concept of content activity was introduced based on the analysis of popularity of Internet content. In the optimization mechanism, nodes can produce two types of ants, the forward ant and the backward ant. The forward ant can detect the optimal path and the selection of the content target is conducted according to the content activity. When a content provider receives a forward ant, it will produce a corresponding backward ant. The backward ant will be forwarded back to the origin node along reverse path and updates the information in the status information table of every node within the path.These information will be used to calculate the forward probability of the interface. Node periodically repeats this process, and finally convergence an optimal route for all its reachable contents and can ensures the real-time performance of the optimal path. Besides, the content activity-based target selection can keep the path of the content with high popularity to be optimized preferentially so that it can better meet the majority users’ request.2) An digital fountain-based multi-source deliveryThe content in chapter 4 achieves an efficient multi-source content delivery mechanism. When multiple nodes receive the same content request, the nodes will use digital foutain to encode the original content data and constitute a string of encoded symbols. All content providers will generate encoded packet and send back to the requester continuously until the requester receive a sufficient number of packets. Finally the requester can use these received packets to restore original content. In the process of transmitting encoded packets, the traditional CCN process is modified to ensure the node identify both two types of data packets.3) Modeling content acquisition in conent centric MANETWith the development of technology, wireless network also encounters the problem that request for contents gradually became the major. Hence the academias discuss to apply ICN concepts into wireless network. In chapter 5, we develop an analytical model of content acquisition for content-centric MANET in two-dimensional case. The node distribution model is given firstly according to the RWP model.Then a closed-form expression for round trip time and throughput are derived as functions of miss probabilities. From the expressions, we can obtain the relationship among the round trip time, cache size and content popularity. Simulations show that our model can be used as a guide to design CCM and to evaluate its performance.4) Applying ICN in 5GCompared with the Internet and MANET, mobile telecommunication network and has its own characteristics. With the commercial popularity of 4G, 5G network architecture and its key technologies becomes a new research hotspot in the field of mobile telecommunication. In the study of 5G, the network is also demanded to efficiently handle huge amounts of data flow. Hence in chapter 6 we propose a scheme on how to apply ICN technology into mobile telecommunication network to implement efficient content distribution. A CCN-based MCDN architecture is put forward at first. Then the basic process of content management is redesigned within the architecture and a new content injecting method is introduced based on the environment label that can improve the utilization rate of injected content. Meanwhile a user management mechanism based on user authorization talbe is introduced. In this mechanism, only authorized users are allowed to use MCDN service.Finally a centralized routing update method is proposed. Since content variation is controlled by upper controller, the controller can exchange these information to the route management to conduct routing update so that it can reduce the redundant burden.
Keywords/Search Tags:information-centric networking, content centric networking, optimal routing, multi-source delivery, content acquisition model
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