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Research On Content Centric Networking Routing And Forwarding Strategy

Posted on:2015-12-28Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:H G PanFull Text:PDF
GTID:2348330518970246Subject:Computer application technology
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
The CCN(Content Centric Networking) treats data content itself as the center of architecture, which can fundamentally solve the mismatch problem between the needs that content’s distribution and retrieval in current network and the "host -- host" communication mode based on IP network. The CCN’s routing mechanism adopted the scheme which based on content name and support multicase inherently.The paper foucs on the CCN’s routing algorithm optimize. In the first place, the paper conducted detailed study for an existing SoCCeR ant routing optimization algorithm and analyzed its specific mechanism as well as advantages and disadvantages. Then, the paper proposed content centric networking routing algorithm based on ant colony optimal with equilibrium of distribution, RED-ACO, which impoved in two aspects on SoCCeR algorithm.(1) For the contradiction between the slow convergence speed of ant algorithm and the phenomenon that prone to stagnation, the RED-ACO algorithm dynamically adjust the the convergence rate based on forwarding list faces’ pheromone of equilibrium of distribution.When ant’s distribution decentralized, speed the convergence rate to get optimal path faster;while ants are too concentrated, may prone to stagnation phenomena problem, so slow down the convergence rate to explore the better path. (2) The RED-ACO algorithm combined the CCN’s characteristic with the ant algorithm. CCN has adaptive forwarding strategy, which can detect the links failure or network congestion problems quickly. The forwarding plane will send NACK interest packet to downstream nodes when it detected network problems.The RED-ACO algorithm could adjust forwarding face quickly and detect other better faces based on the feedback.At last, the paper constructed the CCN network simulation platform based on NS-3 and CCNx, conducted network simulation for the RED-ACO algorithm and SoCCeR algorithm.By comparing and analyzing the experimental data of two algorithms, the results show that this paper proposed the content centric networking routing algorithm based on ant colony optimal with equilibrium of distribution is superior to the SoCCeR algorithm.
Keywords/Search Tags:Content Centric Networking, routing, forwarding strategy, ant colony optimal, equilibrium of distribution
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