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The Study Of Digital Publishing Ecological Chain

Posted on:2017-12-06Degree:DoctorType:Dissertation
Country:ChinaCandidate:K T YinFull Text:PDF
GTID:1318330485465906Subject:Publishing Science
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
At present, some ecological problems, such as imbalanced development, serious waste of resources, low ecological efficiency, etc., lie in the development processes of digital publishing and can't be solved by current digital publishing theories. Therefore, new theories should be applied to study this kind of problems in order to supply the theoretic support for the healthy development of digital publishing enterprises. Starting from the ecological problems that digital publishing faces, this paper uses the theories and methods of ecological research to study the digital publishing ecological chain which is formed in digital publishing activities by digital publishing enterprise, in order to supply the theoretic support for analyzing and solving this kind of problems.This paper begins with the basic theories of the digital publishing ecological chain, analyses the requirements, methods and routes of building the digital publishing ecological chain, and proposes the practicable measures. Meanwhile the paper analyses the flow of the digital publishing resources, and conduct an empirical analysis on the ecological efficiency of the digital publishing ecological chain by using the methods such as metabolic networks analysis, population analysis, life-cycle analysis, etc. Then analyze the existing e-book ecological chain and find that there are problems with the ecological efficiency. Finally, the adjustment and optimization methods are put forward after the unbalanced phenomenon in the digital publishing ecological chain and its harmfulness are dissected. In general, the paper makes up for the shortage of relevant studies, can well solve the existing problems, and will provide the theory basis for the healthy development of digital publishing enterprises.The follows are the main study contents:Chapter 1, exordium. It mainly introduces the research background and research significance of this paper, and also elaborates the related researches, main study contents, innovation, method and technical route of this paper.Chapter 2, the basic theories of the digital publishing ecological chain. Based on the related research of ecological chain, this chapter first elaborates the concept and feature of the digital publishing ecological chain and its relationship with industry chain and value chain. Secondly, from the perspective of participants, this chapter classifies the participants of the digital publishing ecological chain into five types-the digital publishing content provider, the digital publishing content processors, the digital publishing content distributor, the digital publishing content service provider and the user-which are compared to the nodes of digital publishing ecological chain and whose relationships are sorted out. Furthermore, the structure of digital publishing ecological chain is decomposed into basic structure and derivative structure, whose details are also discussed respectively. Finally, this chapter analyzes the forming conditions and motivations of the digital publishing ecological chain of which the evolution process is simulated based on system dynamics.Chapter 3, the construction of the digital publishing ecological chain. This chapter deeply analyzes the construction methods, the construction path and key construction measures of the digital publishing ecological chain based on its construction principles and requirements. The construction methods are explained from the digital publishing resources and links respectively. The construction path is defined based on the core nodes and their relationships. The key measures, which include identifying the core nodes, expanding the related nodes and defining their main relationships in the ecological chain, are also analyzed accurately to provide a reference for the construction.Chapter 4, the resource flow of the digital publishing ecological chain. The resource flow is the core for the digital publishing ecological chain to exist and operate. This chapter focuses on the resources in the resource flow, pay attention on the problems and efficacy, analyzes the dynamic mechanism and methods, studies the resource flow between nodes and chains in the digital publishing ecological chain based on the knowledge diffusion theory and methods, and then further analyzes their value-added process.Chapter 5, the ecological efficiency analysis of the digital publishing ecological chain. This chapter analyzes the ecological efficiency of the E-books publishing ecological chain based on ecological metabolism theory, population analysis and life-cycle analysis. Firstly, the participants and their structure are analyzed by the metabolic network method. Meanwhile the enterprises are also calculated by population analysis to study the participators and quitters and the correlation with the increase of digital publications. Then the results reflect the ecological efficiency. Finally, the half-time of digital publications is used to reflect the ecological efficiency too.Chapter 6, the adjustment and optimization of the digital publishing ecological chain. In this chapter, the imbalance phenomenon of the digital publishing ecological chain is analyzed. Furthermore, the representations, the causes and the hazards of the imbalance phenomenon are analyzed from four aspects:broken phenomenon, splitting phenomenon, atrophy phenomenon, and dislocation link phenomenon. The causes and hazards of the imbalance phenomenon are also analyzed. Meanwhile, the adjustment and optimization measures are proposed. Specifically, the adjustment of the digital publishing ecological chain is realized through the nodes and chains adjustment, and the optimization of the digital publishing ecological chain is achieved through the structure optimization, efficacy optimization and value optimization.
Keywords/Search Tags:digital publishing, ecological chain, building, publishing resources flow, ecological efficiency
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