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Establishment Of Scientific Research Management Mode For Translational Medicine Research

Posted on:2013-04-29Degree:DoctorType:Dissertation
Country:ChinaCandidate:L X ZhouFull Text:PDF
GTID:1224330395486151Subject:Social Medicine and Health Management
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Translational medicine was put forth to deal with the awkwardness of “the valley ofdeath” between basic bio-medicine research and clinic practice, improve the interest ofbiomedicine research investment and recall to the ultimate aim of medical research:protecting population health. However, translational medicine, a new mode of bio-medicinedevelopment and the new perception of scientific research management, is facing manychallenges at present. To date, few studies of the scientific research management oftranslational medicine was carried out on the interfaces between basic research, clinicpractice, and population health, and no systematic research has been done in concerningwith its development on the whole. Therefore, to undertake this study on the scientificresearch management in line with the characteristics of transitional medicine may shed lighton remarkable improvement of the development of translational medicine.The methods taken in this study were literatures review, in-depth interview, case studyand questionnaires. The scientific research management mode of translational medicineand mode of the translational medicine center were proposed to be set up based on fullyunderstanding the development, characteristics and nature of translational medicine,reviewing the theory for health research management and its influencing factors; analyzingthe present scientific research management of the centers of translational medicine homeand abroad and summarizing their managing experiences and strategies, and surveying thecomments for translational research management from the health researchers. Totally thisstudy included7parts as follows:Part1is the preface. By reviewing the background, development and challenges oftranslational medicine, the current situation of scientific research management, andprevious studies on scientific research management of translational medicine, this prefaceput forward the research aim, methods, content and flow chart of the whole study.Part2is the introduction of theoretical factors associated with the scientific research management for translational medicine. This part reviewed theories of scientificmanagement, systematic management, National System of Innovation and modernmanagement, to provide the theoretical guidance for innovative scientific researchmanagement mode of translational medicine; summarized the influential factors of modernbio-medical science development on scientific research management; and finally identifiedthe requirement of translational medicine for scientific research management, providingtheoretical support and practical guidance for the new mode of scientific researchmanagement of translational medicine.Part3is about the characteristics of translational medicine and its influence onscientific research management innovation of translational medicine. This part identifiedthat translational medicine actually is a new mode of medicine, and new conception formedical research management; and enlarged the meanings of translational medicine; anddefined translational medicine as a continue, two-way circle, open process among humanhealth-basic research-clinic practice-population health-health policy(T1-T2-T3-T4)andput forth that the new4T laid at the core of the mode of translational medicine research.Altogether, this part demonstrated the requirements for innovation of the scientific researchmanagement for translational medicine and clarified the key points of constructing ascientific research management mode.Part4is the case study on the present scientific research management fortranslational medicine home and abroad. In this part, the management and organizationof11translational research centers home and abroad were described in details andanalyzed, and the differences between them were identified; USA established theirtranslational medicine centers as the centers for hatching new research cooperation,however, translational research centers in China were centers for clinic study in fact;the translational medicine center is identified as a good carrier to improve thedevelopment of translational medicine; this part emphasized the importance to enlargeconcept of translational medicine, policy and training of translational researchers,providing crucial evidence for new scientific research management mode oftranslational medicine.Part5is the survey on the scientific research management of translational medicineresearch. This part covered surveys of360researchers from15medical research units.Results identified the coverage of enlarging concept of translational medicine, key elements of the scientific research management mode for translational medicine; andput forth the main part of management mode for translational medicine, providingcritical evidence for policy making and framework related to translational medicine.Part6is the development of the management mode for translational medicine. Thispart gave the principles used for scientific research management mode establishment;summarized and analyzed the results from the above5parts; then put forth the mode oforganizing and managing translational medicine research from the view of the researchstrategy and scheme of establishment of translational medicine centers; finally themode graph for translational medicine and graph for specific center of translationalmedicine were given and the comments for translational medicine in China weresummarizedPart7is the conclusion. This part dealt with the conclusion and discussion of thewhole study, drew a blue print for translational medicine, and summarized theinnovation, strengthens and weakness of the whole study.Taken together, under the guidance of systematic theory on scientific researchmanagement, this study novelly put forth the mode of scientific research management fortranslational medicine and translational medical center in China by understanding thenature and characteristics of translational medicine, investigating key elements for themode of scientific research management for translational medicine, and correctlyretargeting the goal of scientific research management for translational medicine. Inaddition, this study further developed meanings of translational medicine, providingevidence for further policy making and management as well as new concepts of the theoryof translational medicine.
Keywords/Search Tags:Translational research, mode, innovative cooperation, scientific researchmanagement
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