The Research Of Key Theories And Technology About Simulation Based Acquisition | Posted on:2005-06-06 | Degree:Doctor | Type:Dissertation | Country:China | Candidate:J M Zhang | Full Text:PDF | GTID:1118360152965794 | Subject:Computer applications | Abstract/Summary: | PDF Full Text Request | Simulation Based Acquisition (SB A) is a kind of new idea of acquisition progressively approved by Department of Defense and Defense Industry organizations in recent years. The paper integrates the context of "Simulation Based Acquisition Demonstration System of weaponry equipment", which is a focal point of projects that the national defense grinds in advance, and study overall SB A technology emphatically (architecture structure, operational mode) and some key theories and technology (prototype system, analysis of efficiency, analysis of LCC(Life Cycle Costs)). As follows mainly:1 ?Some theories of key SBA technology application are introduced in detail, random theory of capability analysis in the systemic effectiveness analysis is analyzed, the uncertain theory of LCC(Life Cycle Costs) is discussed and the judgement method of fuzzy synthesis is expounded.2. The entire architecture of SBA system is further investigated; the operation and technology system structure of SBA is analyzed; five key elements are described at length: Ces (Collaborative Environments) DIRR (the DoD/Industry Resource Repository) , DPDs(Distributed Product Descriptions), DIFs (Data Interchange Formats) CERSA (the Collaborative Environment Reference Systems Architecture); Due to weakness of traditional acquisition system, SBA system architecture oriented to complex products, is presented, and functions and characteristics of all the components of SBA systems' complex products are expounded.3. According to the idea of parallel design, prototype system of SBA is implemented and the principle of design is approached; Based on SBA prototype system of complex products, whose functions are described transversely and lengthways: support of system and architecture demonstration of complex products of the whole life cycle and different levels; the virtual acquisition process of SBA prototype system oriented to complex products is presented.4. According to ADC, SBA system is analyzed; Aiming at usability of system, the method is presented to calculate the probability that only several parts in the normal working state of all the N components come out. Based on SBA system composed by n serial systems and m parallel systems, the method that can calculate the usability of system is proposed, when there are something wrong with several parallel systems, other systems run normally andSBA system is in working state; To improve the creditability of SBA system, the means is presented to calculate the probability of state transformation when SBA system starts from initial state and translates into another state in running. And in order to improve the ability of SBA system, the exponential function method is combined with multi-level analytic approach, the exponential function model possessing the multistage integration capability is presented.5. Based on SBA system oriented to complex products, the system architecture is proposed to calculate LCC(Life Cycle Costs); In the basis of estimation of LCC(Life Cycle Costs), the bottom-up coarse granularity and top-down minute granularity strategies are represented; the calculational methods correspond to all kinds of expenses in different cycles of all the life; through the analysis of estimation for main projects' expenses and analysis of uncertainty and susceptivity of expenses in all the life of SBA system, the formula that can be used to computate the overall expenses of whole life; because change over time in monetary value influence life cycle expenses, the time value analysis to the all-inclusive cost of life cycle of SBA system is carried on. | Keywords/Search Tags: | Simulation Based Acquisition, Architecture structure, Prototype system, Effciency, Life Cycle, Cost, Estimation | PDF Full Text Request | Related items |
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