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Operating From The Newspaper To The Management Of Resources

Posted on:2013-01-21Degree:DoctorType:Dissertation
Country:ChinaCandidate:H Z HuangFull Text:PDF
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The digital tide brings the mobile media popularity and the rise of social media, andthe resulting media content, channel, terminal diversification and media user self selectionof personalized, diversified. These changes, it is the universal medium characteristic of theage.Based on extensive media era as the logical starting point, reveals the contemporarymedia development and communication context,In the world with countless changes incertain media, mainstream and the future, focus on extensive media era of newspaperindustry profit pattern transition path.First of all, the paper begins with the concept of "extensive media" was read, and withthe perspective of resource base theory, analysis the superiority resources, on the basis ofanalysis of the universal media era of newspaper industry is facing the impact andopportunities, and then from the newspaper industry profit pattern based on evolution,extensive media era of newspaper industry profit model transformation target selection.Therefore, this study took three chapter discussed, cracked the profit pattern of the highestlevel, i.e., integrated marketing service mode. This research thought,the model system--the core of consumer of press, internal and external resources system integration, create abe secure against assault market fortress, is the only way for the newspaper.Then, the research from the macroscopic analysis to microscopic study, divided intothree chapters focus on the extensive media era of newspaper industry profit patterntransition paths, proposes newspaper content resources of digital marketing, brand resourcepersonalized extending and operating assets of the capital operation of the three paths,responded to the current newspaper development generally confused major practiceproblem.Finally, this study in the end and back to the macro perspective, points out the futuredevelopment of China's economy will gradually from investment driven economic growthchange on consumption to pull move economic growth.This economic trend, mean Chinesenewspaper in the transformation of a national economy integrating internal and externalresources to obtain the more opportunities and enormous imagination.Thus presents asignificant theoretical judgment--universal media era, newspaper only using integratedmarketing service profit pattern, good can operate newspaper and two kinds of resource,realize the profit model of successful transformation.
Keywords/Search Tags:Universal media era, Resources, Newspaper, Profit mode, Integratedmarketing, Transformation
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