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Research On Mainstream Media Disaster News Reporting From The Perspective Of Frame Theory ——Based On Comparative Analysis Of Urban Flood Reports In People's Daily In 2012 And 2021

Posted on:2022-11-12Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:M WangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2518306779984309Subject:Trade Economy
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
As an important part of my country's news reporting field,disaster news,under the new era background and media environment,has its reporting concept and mode changed or improved? It is becoming more and more important for mainstream media to improve the level of disaster news reporting under the new situation,to respond to social concerns in a timely manner,to appease public sentiment and to promote positive social development.As the mouthpiece of the party and the government,the mainstream media should play a timely role in conveying information in the face of disasters.In particular,the People's Daily as a representative plays a pivotal role in guiding public opinion.Therefore,the thesis takes the two flood-fighting and disaster-relief reports in Beijing in 2012 and Henan in 2021 as the object of analysis.By classifying the report samples retrieved and collected from the graphic database of People's Daily,and after sorting out,the categories are constructed.Using the methods of text analysis,comparative analysis and content analysis,this paper discusses the changes and invariances of the two reports in People's Daily in terms of report form,report content,and report text,and analyzes the reasons for such changes.The study found that the two reporting frameworks are similar in that they are dominated by government initiatives,focusing on ideological propaganda;promoting social positive energy and shaping positive models;focusing on military party members and reporting rescue and emergency rescue.However,the flood report of the People's Daily in 2021 will pay more attention to the openness and transparency of information in terms of reporting concept;in terms of reporting,it will be more inclined to guide public opinion positively;in terms of reporting form,it will be richer,novel and more readable.Specifically,the report in 2021 will have a more stable and gentle reporting frequency,clear and distinct layout,comprehensive and detailed report content and various forms of entry,more attention to detail,and more objectivity and humanistic care.The author believes that behind this change,it reflects the progress of the concept of disaster news reporting,the enrichment of reporting methods under the background of new technologies,the demonstration of the spirit of humanistic care,and the improvement of the quality of journalists.The establishment of the concept of "standard" to "people-oriented".At the end of the article,it also summarizes and reflects on the research.Although the mainstream media in my country have made great progress in the reporting of disaster news in recent years,there are still problems such as the lack of clear layout and the immature reporting mechanism.Corresponding countermeasures and suggestions are proposed: disaster news reports should adhere to the reporting concept,respond to concerns in a timely manner,and pay attention to humanistic care;secondly,follow the development of the times,form a communication matrix,and innovate interactive forms;also optimize reporting forms,adjust layout,and enrich reporting genres;It is even more necessary to reasonably set the agenda,give full play to the function of mouthpiece,and guide public opinion;finally,disaster news reports should also summarize experience and lessons,attach importance to scientific interpretation,and strengthen disaster reflection.Only in this way,the mainstream media can better play the role of transmitting information,responding to concerns,guiding public opinion,calming people's hearts and serving the overall situation in public health emergencies.The People's Daily can better serve the people,the party,and the country while maintaining the party's position of public opinion.
Keywords/Search Tags:disaster news, Frame theory, Mainstream media, The People's Daily
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