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Collation And Research Of Kim Chang-op's Yeonhaeng Diary

Posted on:2022-02-05Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:S FengFull Text:PDF
GTID:2518306737461144Subject:Master of Library and Information
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Kim Chang-op's Yeon-haeng Diary is a diary of the Joseon envoy to the Qing dynasty as a winter solstice envoy and a thank-you envoy.The Joseon had close ties with China since the Ming dynasty,and from the founding of the Joseon dynasty to the 20 th year of the Qing dynasty(1894),the two countries had close exchanges,with Joseon missions alone averaging about twice a year.Kim Chang-op was born in the middle of the Joseon Dynasty,and his family was of the prestigious An dong Kim clan,which,together with his ancestors' many trips to China,led to a growing desire to visit the country's mountains and rivers.This time,his brother,Kim Chang-ji,went to the Qing Dynasty as a winter solstice and thanksgiving envoy,and it was by chance that Kim Chang-op went with him as an Subordinate officers named the Da Jiao and finally realized his wish to go to China at the age of 54.His main objective was to see the magnificent scenery of China and,of course,to interact with the Manchus and Han Chinese along the way,learning more about the folkways and customs of northeastern and northern China,the imperial examination system and places of special significance.This article is based on Kim Chang-op's Yeon-haeng Diary,Volumes I and II,from the second series of The Complete Book of the Yanxinglu,published by Guangxi Normal University Press.It also draws on a large number of modern writings and essays on Kim Chang-op's envoy journey,with a view to systematically exploring how Kim Chang-op's attitude towards the Qing dynasty changed during his envoy journey,his main activities in the Qing dynasty,and his transport routes through northeast China and northern China.The main content of this article is divided into five chapters.The first chapter is the introduction.It mainly introduces the background and value of the study,as well as the current status of research on Yeon-haeng record in the academic community.The significance and current status of the research on this topic are explained,the value of the research is introduced,and the methods used in the research process are described.As well as innovation and major difficulties.The second chapter introduces the life of the author,Kim Chang-op,and his works on Yanxing envoy journey.With his family's resources and his own efforts,Kim Chang-op built up a strong cultural heritage and had good achievements in literature and painting,but he was not interested in his career.During his journey in 1712,he wrote many Chinese poems,which were included in the Nogajae Record,and the Nogajae Yeon-haeng Diary survived.The third chapter focuses on the analysis of the textual content of the Yeon-haeng Diary.In compiling the original text,it was found that Kim Chang-op 's records were trivial and numerous.This chapter elaborates on the contents of the Diary of Yeon-haeng from three major aspects,namely,the situation of the mission reflected in the Diary,the system of the Qing Dynasty at that time,and a brief comparative analysis with Cui De-zhong's Yeon-haeng Record,showing the smooth development of the Qing Dynasty society at that time and the relatively peaceful living of the people.The fourth chapter summarizes and corrects problems with words,phrases,and sentences found during the proofreading of the text.This is also an important part of writing this paper.The fifth chapter makes an in-depth study of the value of Yeon-haeng Diary.It is found that it has important supplement and reference value in the aspects of history,culture,folk customs,and regional geography,etc.,and thus causes the academic circle to pay wide attention to and further explore the Yanxing literature.
Keywords/Search Tags:Yeon-haeng Record, Kim Chang-op, Yeon-haeng Diary, Text, Value
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