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Universal Research On The Law Of "science Of Science" And Analysis Of The Composition Of Large/small Research Teams In China Based On Academic Big Data

Posted on:2022-05-20Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:L L LiuFull Text:PDF
GTID:2518306734954519Subject:Computer application technology
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Modern science has gradually grown into a complex system,in which various disciplines are cross-linked,and new disciplines are constantly emerging.More and more scholars join the research of science of science,and science of science has become a hotspot of interdisciplinary research.The science of science is different from the traditional information science in the past.The research object of information science is the various laws of scientific information and its activities;while the science of science uses the overall activities of science and technology as the research object to study the mechanisms,trends and laws of scientific development.Information science uses traditional statistical methods,such as social survey methods,quantitative statistical methods,mathematical analysis methods,and historical research methods,while science uses descriptive statistics,data visualization,machine learning algorithms,and data analysis.Method for research.Science of science is a rapidly developing field.The digitization of scientific publications provides unprecedented opportunities for the development of research science.Its purpose is to understand,quantify and predict scientific research and its results.Its development provides many challenging issues.A better solution was proposed.At present,the science of science has proposed a series of research laws,but these laws are mostly based on the global average level,without considering whether these laws are universal or have regional differences.The main difficulties of this research are embodied in two aspects.On the one hand,there is currently no open and free data.It is difficult for researchers to obtain a large amount of available data.Although we have obtained relatively complete data,the data is not completely standardized.Data set mining;on the other hand,we need to consult a large amount of literature,have a deep understanding of existing research and scientific research,at least can reproduce the previous research,in order to further subdivide research between countries.The purpose of selecting the universality of the law in this article is to distinguish which law can be applied to China.If the law of science is universal in various countries,we can learn from the policies and methods of other countries and contribute to the development of scientific research in China..If the laws of science do not have universal applicability,we may need to distinguish each country.The existing research laws based on the global average may not be suitable for the development of science in my country.This article selects more than 21 million papers in the Web of Science database from 2000 to 2017,and analyzes and studies from the following three aspects.(1)Analyze the relationship between citations and the number of research teams,and whether the two laws of the relationship between the percentage of disruptive papers and the number of research teams are universal.We selected the most researched laws related to citations and the law of the proportion of the latest research subversive papers as our starting point for our research,and based on the relationship between the research team and the research team.First,we reproduced the existing research law,that is,based on the global average,the number of research teams is positively correlated with the number of paper citations,and negatively correlated with the percentage of disruptive papers.Next,we distinguished different countries for analysis,and found that the trends in each country were basically the same.These two laws are universal among different countries.(2)Analyze the difference in output ratio and composition of large/small research teams between China and other countries.In the above research,we found that the scientific law is universal,but the quality of Chinese paper output and its influence in the world are not as prominent as the number of paper output.We further analyze what factors affect this.At present,the way of scientific research is changing from individual to teamwork.We guess that the research team has a certain influence on this.Modern science is mainly based on the scientific results of the team.The team is composed of people,and there are many uncertainties.The composition of team members will also bring different developments to the team.The analysis found that,on the one hand,the output ratio of small research teams in China has declined faster and greater than other countries,especially in the field of natural sciences,while small research teams are an important source of disruptive output;on the other hand,On the one hand,although the proportion of large-scale research teams in China continues to increase,the diversity of large-scale research teams in China has not increased as in other countries,and the diversity of research teams is an important factor in improving the quality of research results.Therefore,China should pay attention to the balance between large and small research teams and the diversity of research teams in order to better balance the quantity and quality of paper output.(3)Analyze the comparison of fund support preferences between China and the United States.Through the above analysis,we found that in China,large research teams dominate.We make a hypothesis that the reason for this phenomenon is that the support preference of national funds affects the proportional distribution of large and small research teams.Based on this,we analyzed the support preferences of the National Natural Science Foundation of China and the National Science Foundation of the United States,and found that compared with the national average,the National Natural Science Foundation of China supports fewer small research teams than the National Science Foundation of the United States.In other words,China is more inclined to support large research teams.Therefore,the preference of funding agencies may be related to the imbalance between the small and large research teams in China.We found that the laws of global scientific research have a certain degree of universality.Based on this,we conducted research on the size of research teams in various countries and found that the proportion of small research teams in China has been declining,and the decline is greater and faster than other countries in the world.The team diversity is also lower compared to other countries,and China's fund support institutions are also more inclined to support large research teams.This may have a certain impact on the output of innovation in China.We should pay attention to the balance between large research teams and small research teams.The discovery of the laws of science provides insights for scientific research personnel in the choice of scientific research direction,and also provides suggestions for promoting the development of national scientific research level,and helps the country to better formulate scientific research policies.
Keywords/Search Tags:science of science, universality, team, funded
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