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Research And Implementation Of Virtual Simulation Experiment Development Resource Management System

Posted on:2021-06-09Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:T LanFull Text:PDF
GTID:2518306308970469Subject:Education Technology
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
In recent years,virtual simulation experiments have developed rapidly under the impetus of the Ministry of Education policy,and China needs more and more virtual reality content developers.At present,many vocational education institutions have initiated the construction of virtual reality application technology,and undergraduate colleges have also added virtual reality application technology.But at present,these institutions lack the collection and management of virtual simulation experiment resources and experimental teaching cases.They urgently need an integrated virtual simulation experiment development resource management system to meet the needs of information resources management such as material resources,courseware resources,and professional teaching materials required for theoretical and practical teaching.Based on constructivist learning theory,humanistic learning theory and empirical learning theory,this study designed the functional structure of the system in detail.According to the construction goals and construction principles of the subject,a demand analysis was conducted,and the system architecture,directory structure,database and components were designed.The system was implemented through coding,and system testing and evaluation were carried out.This system is used in professional education related to virtual reality application technology.It can manage the experimental development process of students,and can provide students with a large number of virtual simulation experimental development resources and learning resources,including demand scripts,models,materials,stickers,test scripts,courseware,professional teaching materials,etc.,to meet the students'needs for virtual simulation experiment development resources and learning resources.This study designed and implemented a virtual simulation experiment development resource management system based on the actual needs of virtual reality application technology professional construction.To promote the co-construction and sharing of high-quality experimental development resources,and promote the improvement of students' virtual simulation experimental development skills.
Keywords/Search Tags:virtual simulation experiment, development resources, resource management system, specialty construction, vocational education
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