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Space Production And Cultural Interpretation

Posted on:2021-11-05Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:L P QiFull Text:PDF
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With the continuous advancement of science and technology,our lifestyle has undergone major changes.The changes in transportation also reflect the changes in society to a certain extent.The subway is not only a fast and efficient way to travel,but also a low-carbon and environmentally friendly transportation.Therefore,for the planning and development of the subway has become an important task for the development of various cities,it is also of great practical significance to study the subway space.The emergence of the subway as a rapid transportation means,on the one hand,that it reflects the rapid expansion of the city.The ground space and high-rise buildings are no longer sufficient for human production and life.Humans need to shift their living space underground.Secondly,the subway space itself also has important significance,from the opening of the world's first subway to the surprise appearance of the Russian subway art hall.The subway space has detached from the physical space itself,and has become a gathering of social space and symbolic space.It is an important place for urban citizens to travel,carrying important urban culture and historical memory.It is spatial,cultural,and temporal.The value of cultural communication is an important channel for urban cultural communication.Therefore,the interpretation of Wuhan's metro space production from the perspective of cultural communication can not only summarize the current experience of Wuhan Metro in the space production process,but also discover the problems that Wuhan cities have in the production of metro space.As well as other cities' space production recommendations.The thesis selects Wuhan City and its metro as the research object,uses field survey method and historical material research method,and uses Lefebvre's "spatial production" theory as the theoretical basis and the main frame of the writing.In these three aspects,a comprehensive analysis of Wuhan urban subway space production is carried out,and a cultural interpretation of Wuhan urban subway space production is carried out in conjunction with cultural communication theory.The paper analyzes from the following aspects:Chapter 2 traces the historical development and cultural context of Wuhan city by studying the historical materials of Wuhan historical documents,and lays a foundation for the analysis of Wuhan city subway space production.The third chapter analyzes the spatial practice of Wuhan urban subway through the field investigation and in-depth interviews,focusing on the macro ideas of Wuhan urban subway space practice,the spatial structure of Wuhan urban subway and its functional value.Wuhan urban subway carries out space architecture in the form of “one line,one color,one line and one theme”.This subway space architecture makes Wuhan urban subway space important for the development of Wuhan city.First,it breaks the geographical separation between the three towns in Wuhan and provides citizens with a convenient and fast way to travel.Second,to promote the joint development of the three towns in Wuhan and the commercial districts around the subway.The fixed subway station connects the above-ground space and the underground space,and the moving train connects the station and the train,the business districts of each station and the three towns of Wuhan,which promotes the balanced development of Wuhan.Third,the Wuhan Metro space carries Wuhan's distinctive culture,becoming a window for Wuhan's external communication and displaying the image of Wuhan's city.Fourth,the Wuhan Metro space is created in an artistic way,writing Wuhan's heavy history and highlighting the urban connotation of Wuhan.Chapter 4 is based on the symbols of spatial production,and analyzes the spatial representation of Wuhan urban subway from two levels of content representation and form representation.It is found that the content representation symbols of Wuhan city subway select natural resource symbols,such as mountains,water,flowers,etc.;historical humanities symbols,such as the 1911 Revolution symbol representing Wuhan's glorious history,and Wu Zhong,Wu Chuan,etc.,symbols of Wuhan's industrial development;then the city Symbols of life,from the night views on both sides of the Yangtze River to the playful fun by the East Lake.The morphological representation of the Wuhan Metro space is reflected in the artistic expression of the symbols,mainly concentrated on the art murals,art sculptures and art scenes in the subway station.The fifth chapter,on the basis of space practice and space representation,abstracts the space attributes of Wuhan subway being characterized,and summarizes the space of poetic dwelling,the space of historical memory and the space of cultural collision.The poetic living space is reflected in the choice of colors,materials and public art forms in the Wuhan subway space,focusing on the art and life style.The space of historical memory is reflected in the space-time rotation,time traversal,and immersion experience of historical characters,historical events and historical scenes in the Wuhan subway space.Finally,there is a space of cultural collision,which is reflected in the multi-dimensional integration and multiple exchanges of traditional Chinese culture in the Wuhan subway space,the ancient Chu culture with Chu characteristics,the culture of the Wuhan dock market and the green and low-carbon culture of sustainable development of modern cities.Finally,according to the results of space production and cultural interpretation of Wuhan urban subway,it summarizes the experiences and existing problems worth mentioning in the spatial production and cultural communication of Wuhan urban subway,and puts forward corresponding countermeasures.First of all,although the urban metro space in Wuhan incorporates the local characteristics of Wuhan city and strengthens the spread of urban culture,the shallow expression of Wuhan's urban culture is superficial,and it should go from the impression of Wuhan to the deeper Wuhan to deeply explore the roots of Wuhan's urban culture.Secondly,although the urban metro space in Wuhan has become an important cultural carrier by creating a space-time museum,it is mainly based on traditional static media and lacks interaction with the public.It should move from static display to interactive communication and make full use of the interactive advantages of new media technology.Finally,although the urban metro space in Wuhan pays attention to the quality of art and cultivates a poetic style of living in life,the design form is not diverse and rich,and it should move from a single form to multiple forms and strive to improve the level of artistic design.The article aims to deeply study the space production process of Wuhan urban subway through the theory of space production,and culturally interpret the subway space from the perspective of urban cultural transmission.With a view to enriching theoretically the research of "space production" theory,it can provide reference for urban subway space production and cultural communication on the practical level.
Keywords/Search Tags:Wuhan Metro, Space Production, Cultural Interpretation, Cultural communication
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