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The Dilemma And Breakthrough Of The Marginalization Of Chinese Learning In Senior High School

Posted on:2022-05-10Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Y M JiangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2517306728491124Subject:Master of Education
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
The reform of the new college entrance examination poses new challenges to high school students' Chinese learning.The breadth of vision and the difficulty of application of the college entrance examination language will be further improved,and the differences in the total scores of the college entrance examination will be greatly increased.The instrumental and humanistic characteristics of Chinese subjects make it not only responsible for improving students' language literacy and laying the foundation for lifelong learning,but also to develop Chinese culture,enhance national cohesion and creativity,and cultivate outstanding socialist builders.And the important role of successors.However,it is well known that the status quo of marginalization of high school Chinese learning is still grim.Without a good atmosphere for language learning,and failing to clarify the crux of the learning source of the marginalization of high school students' language learning,the wonderful teaching and research will eventually be a tower in the sky,a building on the beach,and a lively and hard work of teachers and researchers,but there is always a lack of real implementation.Cultivate a good field for Chinese education.Therefore,based on the current situation of the marginalization of high school students ' language learning,the author investigates the current situation of high school language learning cognition and investment based on visits and observations,and analyzes and proposes measures.It is hoped that the survey report can contribute to the promotion of high school language learning.Teaching contribution.In addition to the introduction and literature review,this paper is mainly composed of three chapters,as follows:The first chapter is the investigation and analysis of the current situation of cognition and investment in Chinese learning in senior high school.It is mainly divided into two sections: the investigation and design of the current situation of cognition and investment in high school Chinese learning,and the investigation and analysis of the marginalization of cognition and investment in high school Chinese learning.The focus is on the quantitative and qualitative analysis of cognitive attitude and investment in high school Chinese learning.The second chapter analyzes the causes of the marginalization dilemma of cognition and investment in Chinese learning in senior high school.It is mainly analyzed and diagnosed from three aspects: the elimination of the romantic nature,the suppression of the realistic environment and the restraint of the utilitarian goal in Chinese learning in senior high school.The third chapter is the breakthrough technique of cognition and involvement in the marginalization of Chinese learning in senior high school,which is also the key chapter of this paper.From the improvement of cognition,stimulate the endogenous motivation of Chinese learning in senior high school;Increase investment,strengthen the external pressure of high school language;To improve teaching,enhance the actual effectiveness of high school Chinese learning from three angles,and strive to explore the improvement of high school Chinese learning marginalized plight of the focal point.
Keywords/Search Tags:High school Chinese, Marginalization of Chinese, Learning cognition, Learning input, Survey report
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