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The Application Of Disaster History Perspective In High School History Teaching

Posted on:2022-08-29Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:C J DengFull Text:PDF
GTID:2517306722487914Subject:Subject teaching
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Since ancient times,disasters have had a great impact on the development of human society.The study of disasters in history has been paid more and more attention by historians.Many disaster history related contents have been added to the history course of middle school.In the history teaching of senior high school,the perspective of disaster history is used to guide students to investigate the common people's experience from the historical disasters,explore the relationship between disasters and the process of human civilization,jump out of the conventional analytical thinking on the basis of learning historical knowledge,and expand their horizons,which is helpful to cultivate students' Outlook on life and ecology,and understand the community of human destiny,and learn to win-win cooperation.Based on the research object,analysis method,main problems and application value of disaster history perspective,combined with the practical investigation of students and teachers,this paper analyzes the application status and existing problems of disaster history perspective,excavates the content of high school disaster history perspective,and puts forward relevant teaching strategies and principles combined with teaching cases.Through the research,we can make clear the application value of the perspective of disaster history,not only enrich the teaching materials,enhance the interest of the classroom and the sense of historical freshness,but also help to cultivate students' problem consciousness,humanistic feelings and international vision.The second is to understand that the current students are more interested in the teaching of disaster history perspective,but due to the problems of more curriculum content,tense class hours and teachers' little understanding of disaster history and disaster history perspective,it is rarely used in the classroom.Third,according to the curriculum content and the compulsory and selective compulsory teaching materials of the Ministry of education,we use the perspective of disaster history to lead students to analyze the outlook on life and ecology in history,as well as the status and role of disaster in the development and change of politics,economy,ideology and culture.Fourth,according to the problems found in the survey and combined with the teaching content of disaster history perspective,this paper puts forward the teaching strategy of applying disaster history perspective.According to the distribution of disaster history in history course content,the characteristics of disaster historical materials and research perspectives,teachers can adopt the strategies of combining point with area,creating situations,setting conflicts,encouraging students to cooperate and explore, addition,teachers should follow the principles of moderation,low stimulation,authenticity and students' subjectivity to fully mobilize students' thinking,improve the students' quality of history.
Keywords/Search Tags:The perspective of disaster history, High school history teaching, Disaster
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