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Research On The Teaching Of Experienced Reading In Junior Middle School Chinese

Posted on:2022-01-07Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Y J WangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2517306491468914Subject:Subject teaching
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Experiential reading teaching is student-centered,based on the characteristics of students' academic conditions and texts,through the creation of contexts,interactive communication,etc.,to enhance students' understanding and feelings of the text,so that students are nurtured in language,thought,and emotion.,So as to generate the teaching method of the unique meaning of the text to the individual.Ancient poetry is an important carrier of traditional culture.It integrates beautiful language,rich emotions,diverse images and precipitated philosophies.It has extremely high literary value and occupies a position that cannot be ignored in junior high school Chinese teaching.The traditional teaching of ancient poems is mainly based on the teacher's word-by-sent teaching.The beauty of ancient poems is broken down into pieces,but students only focus on memory and recitation,and their appreciation of ancient poems is difficult to improve.The author believes that experiential reading teaching is a way worthy of being used in the teaching of ancient poetry.It takes students as the subject of experience,takes whole-hearted feelings as the core,and aims at the generation of meaning.It can change the current situation of strong traction for teachers in ancient poetry classrooms.Moreover,it also helps students to subtly accept cultural influence,inherit Chinese traditional culture,and cultivate a healthy personality.Therefore,this article uses literature research method,investigation research method and case observation method to explore the feasibility and implementation strategies of applying experiential reading teaching to the teaching of ancient poetry in junior high school,in order to further refine and supplement experiential reading teaching.First,the thesis combs the theoretical basis for implementing experiential reading teaching-experiential learning theory and constructivist learning theory,and defines the key terms of experiential and experiential reading teaching;secondly,it investigates and studies the status quo of ancient poetry teaching in junior high schools.It also analyzes the problems reflected in it;then,it analyzes the feasibility of using experiential reading teaching in the teaching of ancient poems in junior high school from two aspects: the characteristics of ancient poetry itself,the level of thinking and expression of junior high school students,and the deepening of curriculum reform The need to improve students' appreciation of ancient poems explains the necessity of its application,and explores the value of its application from the perspectives of students and teachers.Furthermore,the author combs and analyzes the predecessors' classification of experience in reading,pointing out the experience The classification should be expressed as six categories: language experience,cognitive experience,image experience,emotional experience,aesthetic experience and life experience.In addition,the author also discussed specific teaching strategies according to the type of experience.In the language experience,pay attention to the beauty of phonology and rhyme through reading,the beauty of rhyme and the accumulating sense of beauty.In the cognitive experience,we must first respect the students' initial reading experience,sort out and analyze the obstacles of the students' cognitive integration,and then guide them in a timely manner to promote students' independent construction.The author believes that image experience,language experience and aesthetic experience are inseparable.The former two are the prerequisites of the latter.Therefore,starting from the aesthetic experience,we first stimulate students' interest in learning by creating a learning context,and then experience the author's emotions through the situation and understanding.Finally,the aesthetic experience is enhanced by combining reading and writing.In order to encourage students to generate life experience,the author believes that it is necessary not only to dig out the life experience factors in ancient poems,and to interpret these factors in conjunction with the author's life experience,but also to inspire students to understand these factors in connection with the reality of life,so as to generate a down-to-earth experience.Finally,the author designed the teaching design of "Guan Canghai" in the first volume of the seventh grade and the second volume of the ninth grade of "The Pride of the Fisherman: Autumn Thought",and analyzed which experiential reading teaching strategies were used in the teaching design of the two courses.
Keywords/Search Tags:experiential reading teaching, junior middle school Chinese, ancient poetry
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