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The Expansion Of Art By Intelligent Technology

Posted on:2022-05-27Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:L N PiaoFull Text:PDF
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
As This paper analyzes what topical problems arise from the collision of traditional artistic techniques,scientific and technological materials and scientific and technological media as the main media of artistic creation.The development of human society from primitive society to higher social situation and the progress of science and technology promote the development of human society.Focusing on the origin of Chinese and Western painting,this paper briefly describes the changing process of artists' "tools".Artists use the real material landscape as a medium to create,and now the virtual materials in the virtual space become "tools".Things in the virtual space of the human brain are transformed into paintings,and various materials in the virtual space become visualized.In the current environment,the relationship between the audience and the works of art is changing.What are the technological backgrounds and social relationships that accompany these transformations?With the development of science and technology,the relationship between human,economy and ecological environment also changes.Traditional art creation methods and forms of expression have also been promoted to different degrees.Adapted to the spirit of art in today's society,further formed the cultural field of the real society.The continuous progress of science and technology has made different eras characteristic of works.The application of technology dictates different methods and means.At the same time,technological changes have changed artistic concepts,which are externally manifested in creative tools,materials and creative methods of expression carriers.With the integration of multi-disciplines and technology,the materials used in artistic creation are becoming more and more extensive.The application of new materials and new technologies makes artists more novel and unique in their language of creation and expression,forming a variety of expressive force.With the development of science and technology,this paper mainly analyzes the innovation and change brought by the entry of the intelligent field into the art field.Combined with domestic and foreign cases to illustrate the expansion of intelligent technology to art.New forms of expression brought about by diversified media.For the public,the change of visual perception of art is a new experience.For artists,what they are concerned about is often the interaction and correlation that exists in the context of the current intelligent age.
Keywords/Search Tags:intelligent technology, art language, new media art
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