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Designing intelligent language tutoring systems for integration into foreign language instruction

Posted on:2008-12-30Degree:Ph.DType:Dissertation
University:The Ohio State UniversityCandidate:Amaral, Luiz Alexandre Mattos doFull Text:PDF
Intelligent Computer-Assisted Language Learning (ICALL) is a multidisciplinary area of research that combines Natural Language Processing (NLP), Intelligent Tutoring System development, Second Language Acquisition (SLA) and Foreign Language Teaching and Learning. So far, most of the work done in ICALL has primarily focused on the development of NLP technology for error diagnosis, and very few systems have been fully implemented to the point where they could be used in an existing foreign language program.; The work presented here proposes to develop an ICALL system focusing primarily on the needs of foreign language students and instructors. The research project started with a survey with foreign language instructors on how ICALL could support their everyday practice. The survey was followed by an analysis of the capabilities of NLP technology, and a study on how some of the NLP tools could be used to produce a system that presented activities which could be incorporated into actual language programs. The final step was to develop a system that provides intelligent feedback following the pedagogical principles outlined.; The specific context of the study was the Portuguese Individualized Instruction Program (IIP) at the Ohio State University. The main research contribution of the project is to show one way NLP technology can be used to cope with the real needs of language learners following precise pedagogical specifications. The concrete contribution of this research is an intelligent electronic workbook that is currently being used by IIP students. The overall contribution of the project is to take a concrete step in the direction of bridging the gap between the development of NLP technology for ICALL and the actual use of such technology in real life foreign language programs.
Keywords/Search Tags:Language, NLP technology, Intelligent, System
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