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The 'Road to Vision': An electronic information system

Posted on:1993-12-05Degree:M.AType:Thesis
University:San Jose State UniversityCandidate:Rowe, Michael AnthonyFull Text:PDF
GTID:2478390014996202Subject:Information Science
Traditional printed reference and instructional materials are becoming inadequate to keep up with the mass and diversity of information required to perform adequately in many sectors of today's society. Computer-aided "electronic information systems" are being developed to cope with this information explosion.;If electronic information systems are to perform as efficiently as possible, it is important that design principles be developed to aid developers of these systems. This report describes the design of, and the design principles used in, an electronic information system. The report covers the rationale for using electronic information systems. Organizational methods and information access design principles for electronic information systems are described. Examples of different organizational and access methods are given. An electronic information system designed to be used as an instructional and reference aid for machine vision systems is described. The hardware and software tools used in creating this electronic information system are presented.
Keywords/Search Tags:Information
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