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Community resource and education program for immigrrant youth: A grant proposal project

Posted on:2016-05-03Degree:M.S.WType:Thesis
University:California State University, Long BeachCandidate:Diaz, LidiaFull Text:PDF
GTID:2477390017478827Subject:Social work
Immigrant adolescence face many acculturation and adjustment issues such as attending a new school, learning a new language, fitting in with school peers, but above all adjusting to new cultural norms. Many of these adolescents learn these new norms from their peers and it is often not what parents expect their adolescent to be exposed to. If more community resource centers were to implement group education for immigrant adolescents and their parents, schools and communities might see less of the unintended consequences from such acculturation and adjustment issues. The purpose of this project was to write a grant proposal to implement group education relating to acculturation issues at SOY, a local community center in Costa Mesa California providing services to adolescents. The submission for funding of this grant was not required for the successful completion of this thesis grant-writing project. Implications for social work research and practice are included.
Keywords/Search Tags:Grant, Community, Education, New
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