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Survival of the Self: Creation and Healing of a Brain Tumo

Posted on:2018-08-15Degree:M.AType:Thesis
University:Pacifica Graduate InstituteCandidate:Ross, Lindsay MFull Text:PDF
GTID:2474390020957079Subject:Counseling psychology
The primary purpose of this thesis is to explore the importance of treating the whole person when it comes to dis-ease in the body and the outcomes from shifting core beliefs. The author provides a depth psychological perspective on her journey of surviving a brain tumor her senior year of high school. The focus is to understand and explore this dis-ease in the body as symptomatic of her core beliefs and life experiences during her adolescent. Her journey to self-healing involved taking accountability for aspects of her ego and shadow that created a resistance to psychological growth. In her process, the author becomes aware of the rage that consumed her and the emptiness that surrounded her daily. Her story highlights themes of death and rebirth, and individuation and surrender, as well as several different healing techniques. This thesis utilizes heuristic and hermeneutic methodologies.
Keywords/Search Tags:Healing, Thesis
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