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Energy management and cooperation in microgrid

Posted on:2016-06-28Degree:Ph.DType:Thesis
University:National University of Singapore (Singapore)Candidate:Rahbar, KatayounFull Text:PDF
GTID:2472390017488215Subject:Electrical engineering
Microgrids are key components of future smart power grids, which integrate distributed renewable energy generators to efficiently serve the load demand locally. However, random and intermittent characteristics of renewable energy generations may hinder the reliable operation of microgrids. This thesis is thus devoted to investigating new strategies for microgrids to optimally manage their energy consumption, energy storage system (ESS) and cooperation in real time to achieve the reliable and cost-effective operation.;This thesis starts with a single microgrid system. The optimal energy scheduling and ESS management policy is derived to minimize the energy cost of the microgrid resulting from drawing conventional energy from the main grid under both the off-line and online setups, where the renewable energy generation/load demand are assumed to be non-causally known and causally known at the microgrid, respectively. The proposed online algorithm is designed based on the optimal off-line solution and works under arbitrary (even unknown) realizations of future renewable energy generation/load demand. Therefore, it is more practically applicable as compared to solutions based on conventional techniques such as dynamic programming and stochastic programming that require the prior knowledge of renewable energy generation and load demand realizations/distributions.;Next, for a group of microgrids that cooperate in energy management, we study efficient methods for sharing energy among them for both fully and partially cooperative scenarios, where microgrids are of common interests and self-interested, respectively. For the fully cooperative energy management, the off-line optimization problem is first formulated and optimally solved, where a distributed algorithm is proposed to minimize the total (sum) energy cost of microgrids. Inspired by the results obtained from the off-line optimization, efficient online algorithms are proposed for the real-time energy management, which are of low complexity and work given arbitrary realizations of renewable energy generation/load demand. On the other hand, for self-interested microgrids, the partially cooperative energy management is formulated and a distributed algorithm is proposed to optimize the energy cooperation such that energy costs of individual microgrids reduce simultaneously over the case without energy cooperation while limited information is shared among the microgrids and the central controller.
Keywords/Search Tags:Energy, Microgrid, Cooperation
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