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The environmental impact of aeronautical activities: Legal aspects

Posted on:1994-03-19Degree:LL.MType:Thesis
University:McGill University (Canada)Candidate:Savin, Sophie IsabelleFull Text:PDF
The current level of aeronautical activities is a source of harmful environmental interference. Facing an ever increasing traffic, aviation authorities have started to regulate the activities of aircraft manufacturers and aircraft operators. Protection of the environment has been the object of many international conventions and national regulations a number of which are applicable to aeronautical activities.; The objectives of this thesis are to present first, measures taken by the air transport sector to address environmental issues related to its activities and, second, to assess the impact of general environmental regulations on aeronautical activities.; Chapter I identifies the various type of damage caused by aircraft operations to the environment. After having defined the effect of aircraft pollution, the action of the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) concerning aircraft noise and emissions of pollutants is analysed in Chapter II. The legal status of the atmospheric environment is presented in Chapter III as well as the legal measures relating to the monitoring of aviation-related pollution emissions taken at international and regional levels. Finally, Chapter IV describes national implementation of noise-related technical standards and airport noise-related restrictions and noise-related charges enacted by competent authorities.
Keywords/Search Tags:Aeronautical activities, Environmental, Legal, Chapter
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