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The use of construction management for school construction: A comparative analysis

Posted on:2003-01-08Degree:M.A.ScType:Thesis
University:University of Toronto (Canada)Candidate:D'Archivio, Annarita JenniferFull Text:PDF
An owner of a construction project must make the decision regarding which of the following project delivery systems best suits their needs: traditional design-bid-build, construction management, multiple prime contracting, and design-build. Through numerous interviews conducted with owner, consultant and contractor representatives, the use and feasibility of these systems within the Ontario school construction industry was evaluated. Furthermore, an investigation of two comparable schools was conducted to determine whether construction management delivered a facility in shorter project duration and at lower construction cost to the owner, over the traditional system. The main criteria used in the comparison were cost, schedule growth, construction and delivery speed. From the information obtained, it has been determined that the public boards prefer the traditional system, while the private schools prefer at-risk construction management. Notwithstanding, each construction project is unique; therefore an owner should weigh the attributes of each system, and make their decision accordingly.
Keywords/Search Tags:Construction, Owner, Project, System
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