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Information management: Blueprint for the twenty-first century

Posted on:2000-08-24Degree:M.SType:Thesis
University:California State University, Long BeachCandidate:Moujtahed, AmerFull Text:PDF
In today's business climate, the importance of computers cannot be overestimated. They are prevalent in every aspect of how business is conducted, from simple document-production functions, to databases, to information analysis. With this tremendous impact, the information at our fingertips is more advanced and detailed than ever before.; Companies that learn to utilize this information to their advantage fastest will outperform their competitors and dominate their markets. Ways in which information and knowledge are used have already begun to change the market, using a company's knowledge and information capacities for competitive advantage is already the new business theme. This is not a trend. The companies that best handle this new way of doing business will be the Sears and the Coca-Cola of the next century. Companies that do business the old way will be crushed beneath the wheels of the new revolution, and their shareholders will pay the price, a continuing decrease in profitability and market share.
Keywords/Search Tags:Information, Business
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