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The market for 'Info-Log Services': A technological convergence of catalogs, video, and information telecommunications services

Posted on:2000-10-03Degree:M.AType:Thesis
University:Michigan State UniversityCandidate:Lewis, Robert ScottFull Text:PDF
GTID:2468390014466066Subject:Information Science
Info-Log Services is a name the author has created to identify a new form of marketing of goods and services. This is the future of direct marketing and catalog sales. Info-Log will be the equivalent of turning a favorite mail-order catalog or catalogs into an entertaining and informative video program. This will allow consumers to see the products in which they are interested and learn how to properly use them before making the purchase.;Info-Log Services will become a major multi-media or convergent telecommunications service in the future. As channel capacity increases and five hundred or more offerings emerge, programming will rapidly and dramatically alter. If existing marketing experience in the proportion of retail sales is a guide, Info-Log Services will be absolutely vital. The purpose of this thesis was to develop the framework for this kind of service and then suggest applications by designing an Info-Log Service channel of personal interest.
Keywords/Search Tags:Info-log, Service
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