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Educational requirements for conservation law enforcement officers

Posted on:2004-10-22Degree:M.C.JType:Thesis
University:University of Colorado at DenverCandidate:Huff, Paul PhillipFull Text:PDF
Educational requirements for conservation law enforcement officers within the United States have varied historically and among agencies. The primary purpose of this research was to identify current educational requirements for conservation officers, evaluate historic changes that have occurred within agencies and determine the satisfaction rate and recommendations of agency administrators pertaining to educational requirements.;This study determined that agencies' educational requirements have progressively increased over time and that most agencies currently require a bachelor's degree or significant amount of college for conservation officers. Conservation law enforcement administrators, as a whole, seem satisfied with the current state of educational preparation of conservation officers and with the educational background that their agencies require for new officers. Communications skills are considered by administrators as the most important part of undergraduate preparation for conservation officers. Courses in natural resource management, policy and law are also considered essential preparation by most administrators.
Keywords/Search Tags:Educational requirements for conservation, Officers, Requirements for conservation law enforcement, Agencies, Administrators
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