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Organized programs in library preservation and conservation education since 197

Posted on:1990-06-15Degree:M.AType:Thesis
University:Texas Woman's UniversityCandidate:Stockton, Scott AlanFull Text:PDF
GTID:2478390017953781Subject:Library science
There is a great deal of ambiguity and confusion surrounding education in library materials preservation and conservation. This study addressed this problem by determining the types of sponsors offering organized programs in preservation and conservation, the types of programs they are offering, and the target audience toward which these programs are directed. 178 programs were then identified in the "Datebook" column of American Libraries (109), in Swartzburg's Preservation Education Directory (36), in other literature (30) identified through Library Literature, and in the Education Directory (3) of the Society of American Archivists. The analyses performed on the data (frequencies and cross-tabulations) revealed that libraries tend to offer workshops to technicians and administrators; schools offer primarily coursework for conservator-managers and administrators; professional organizations tend to offer seminars, conferences, colloquia, and meetings for technicians and administrators; and state, regional, and federal sponsors tend to offer workshops for administrators.
Keywords/Search Tags:Preservation and conservation, Education, Library, Programs, Offer, Administrators
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