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A junior high school anti-tobacco marketing campaign: The smokers' view

Posted on:2004-09-30Degree:M.NType:Thesis
University:Dalhousie University (Canada)Candidate:Dicks, Deborah JeanFull Text:PDF
GTID:2467390011475213Subject:Health Sciences
“Tobacco use is the leading cause of preventable illness and death in Canada, responsible for more deaths than alcohol use, murder, car accidents and suicide combined” (Health Canada, 2000, p.3). Although there have been significant efforts to reduce the prevalence of smoking in our society, and the smoking rate among Canadian adults has decreased over the past ten years, adolescents are taking it up in alarming numbers (Health Canada), particularly adolescent females (Greaves & Barr, 2000).; This qualitative study, using thematic analysis, describes the experiences of the six female students age 13–15, who smoke and were attending a junior high school that was implementing an anti-tobacco marketing campaign. The female student participants were interviewed once and met with the researcher on two further occasions, the first to review their transcript and the second as a group to discuss the initial data analysis. A feminist empowering approach was used, the student participants' contribution to the research was valued and their opinions respected. The ecological model of health promotion was used to frame and illustrate the emergent themes in this study. The overarching theme which emerged from the data was Living with Contradictions. Five broad themes within Living with Contradictions emerged from the data analysis; Mixed Messages, Being Addicted , Living with the LabelSmoker/Bad Kid”, Trying to Quit versus Going Underground and Offering Possibilities for the Future.; This study has added to the knowledge and understanding about adolescents who smoke, particularly female junior high students so that in addition to prevention and protection we can offer cessation support for youth in a manner accessible and acceptable to them.
Keywords/Search Tags:Junior high
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