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The aging baby boom generation: Implications for the healthcare workforce

Posted on:2017-02-04Degree:M.SType:Thesis
University:Utica CollegeCandidate:Cromley, James BFull Text:PDF
GTID:2464390011997606Subject:Health care management
The purpose of this project has been to evaluate the potential impact of the ageing and retirement of the baby boom generation on the healthcare workforce. The largest generation of the last century is retiring and has increased demands on the healthcare workforce by consuming greater quantities of healthcare services in retirement. The healthcare workforce mirrors baby boomers and a large proportion have been retiring at time of high demand. The retirement of the baby boomers has represented a loss of knowledge and expertise; a commodity not easily replaced. A peer reviewed literature search for material pertaining to baby boomer retirement, the healthcare workforce, primary care, and related terms was done. Articles were reviewed and sorted into relevant categories. Current trends, solutions, and evidence based practice dealing with barriers to workforce retention and expansion were analyzed. Findings pointed to healthcare workforce shortages, rising healthcare costs and gaps in the delivery of services. An increase of Geriatricians, registered nurses and medical support staff has been needed to cope with demand. Healthcare organizations and schools have had to focus on drawing in new professionals and keeping existing employees on staff and content. Educational funding, work/life balance and compensation packages have been important to attracting more professionals. Baby boomers will live longer, have access to advanced technology and will have better quality of life in retirement. Longevity comes with chronic disease, disability and dementia which has increased demand for services and has increased costs. The retirement of the baby boom generation has force the government and healthcare organizations to look at healthcare spending, workforce planning and tracking, and how to best provide care to the largest growing segment of our population.;Keywords: Health Care Administration, Dr. Gail Young, succession planning, coordinated care, workforce demand drivers, chronic conditions, geriatrics.
Keywords/Search Tags:Workforce, Baby, Healthcare, Retirement, Demand
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