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The anticipated impact of the baby boomer generation on United States healthcare

Posted on:2007-11-06Degree:M.P.AType:Thesis
University:Kutztown University of PennsylvaniaCandidate:LaVacca, Brian JFull Text:PDF
GTID:2454390005487640Subject:Health Sciences
The generation referred to as the baby boomer generation is nearing the classification of "elderly". Baby boomers; those individuals born between 1946 and 1964, will begin to turn age 65 in the year 2011. A great deal of concern has been expressed in relation to this generation and the U.S. healthcare system.;A significant amount of resources; especially investments in technology, healthcare (including research, facilities, delivery, payment sources, analysis, staffing, advocacy, etc.), will be necessary at both the private and public level. There are especially concerns, however, at the public level; specifically in relation to federal payer sources such as Medicare, Medicaid and Social Security. Agencies such as The Agency on Aging, State Department's of Aging, and local Agencies on Aging will continue to be in demand as providers and supporters of the elderly generations.;This writing is designed to explore the elements related to the anticipated impact of this baby boomer generation on the U.S. healthcare system. More specifically, historical and qualitative research on issues such as: demographics, age related diseases, long term care, payer sources, and government agencies. Also included is a specific case study designed to reflect the opinions and insight of leading state and local level elder care agencies (those with the highest percentages of population aged 65 and above) on matters such as: service demands, Medicare, Medicaid, Social Security, and the future of their agency in relation to the baby boomer generation.
Keywords/Search Tags:Baby boomer generation, Healthcare
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