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A New Direction for Bellevue: From Cars to People and a Livable Community

Posted on:2017-04-21Degree:Master'Type:Thesis
University:University of WashingtonCandidate:Wagner, SolomonFull Text:PDF
GTID:2462390014467589Subject:Urban planning
Downtown Bellevue is a thriving area that is expected to grow and densify rapidly over the next several decades. However, worsening traffic congestion and a street environment that is largely inhospitable towards pedestrians are major issues that need to be resolved if downtown Bellevue is to be a high-functioning urban center. Encouraging walking, cycling, and the use of public transportation will address these issues and create a more livable downtown Bellevue. Doing so in the right way will also come with other social, economic, and environmental benefits for the area.;This thesis presents a concept for a highly-walkable and livable core of downtown Bellevue. The concept is comprised of several elements, pedestrian paths and the street crossings linking them, and public open spaces. Each element serves a purpose in reaching the goal of creating a walkable core of downtown Bellevue with improved appeal and accessibility for all residents and visitors.
Keywords/Search Tags:Bellevue, Livable
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