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Urban Design for a Local Merchant Community: the Case of 'Uptown' Bellevue, WA

Posted on:2013-09-07Degree:Master'Type:Thesis
University:University of WashingtonCandidate:Ramirez, Gloria LFull Text:PDF
GTID:2452390008472922Subject:Urban and Regional Planning
This thesis analyzes a super block that is underdeveloped with one-story commercial uses. The goal of the analysis is to utilize the under developed block and apply urban design techniques to make it more supportive for local merchants. The research starts with an in depth analysis of central downtown Bellevue, Uptown Bellevue neighborhood, and t study block. First element analyzed was the connectivity between nearby destination places surrounding the block and neighborhood. Secondly, evaluated the availability of public places and their placement near commercial areas. Thirdly, discovered ways to mitigate large-scale, fortress-like full-block development. These issues have the tendency to inhibit pedestrian traffic within and to Uptown Bellevue. Final design layout includes several independent buildings versus one main structure. Pathways connect with existing pathways to create continuity and internal circulation, providing secondary pedestrian travel ways through the site. Lastly, the development layout provides public spaces adjacent to vibrant private commercial areas.
Keywords/Search Tags:Bellevue, Commercial, Block
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