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Le developpement d'un protocole de gestion environnementale ISO 14001 pour l'industrie thermique productrice d'energie: Cas de la centrale de Coleson Cove

Posted on:2000-03-27Degree:M.E.EType:Thesis
University:Universite de Moncton (Canada)Candidate:St-Pierre, ChantalFull Text:PDF
The following study presents an approach to managing the environmental impacts of industrial activities by implementing an environmental management system (EMS). Section 4.2 "Environmental Policy" and 4.3 "Planning" of the ISO 14001 standard titled Environmental Management Systems - Specification with Guidance for Use was employed to develop an EMS protocol. The production activities of a thermal generating station located in New Brunswick was used as a case study to develop this protocol.;A general overview of Coleson Cove's existing EMS is presented in the study. The content of the station's environmental policy is also compared to the requirements of the ISO 14001 standard. In addition, the policies of five ISO certified industries were selected and compared to the policy of our case study. The environmental aspects and impacts associated with the production activities of the generating station were analyzed to determine which ones were significant. The regulatory and other requirements corresponding to the significant aspects were outlined in a table and the significant impacts were prioritized in order to list appropriate environmental objectives, targets and indicators. Finally, the station's management programs were evaluated to establish action plans for managing projects related to the objectives and targets.;Based on the results of our work, procedures were developed to meet the requirements of ISO 14001 standard. These procedures will facilitate the implementation process and will prevent misinterpretations of the standard's requirements. These procedures also serve as evidence of conformance to the standard during an EMS audit.;The approach used to complete this work can easily be applied to the activities of different industries interested in improving or implementing an EMS.
Keywords/Search Tags:ISO, EMS, Activities, Environmental
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