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Using Social Network Analysis to Measure Shared Mental Models of Communication and Interdependence in a Simulated Flight Operations Command Center

Posted on:2014-09-27Degree:M.AType:Thesis
University:Middle Tennessee State UniversityCandidate:Sanders, EmilyFull Text:PDF
This study examined the relationship between shared mental models (SMM) of interdependence and communication in a simulated aviation flight operations center. Social network analysis indicated that following participation in multiple simulations SMM of interdependence increased while, SMM of communication importance decreased. In addition, the correlation between the two types of mental models increased. These findings warrant further study and evaluation. Exploratory density analysis decreased for both networks of communication importance and interdependence suggesting that mental models became more refined after participation in the simulation.
Keywords/Search Tags:Mental models, Communication, Interdependence, Social network analysis, Flight operations
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