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Disciplinarity, Crisis, and Opportunity in Technical Communication

Posted on:2014-09-10Degree:M.AType:Thesis
University:University of South FloridaCandidate:Carabelli, Jason RFull Text:PDF
GTID:2458390005485513Subject:Technical Communication
In this thesis I argue that technical communication as an academic curricular entity has struggled to define itself as either a humanities or scientific discipline. I argue that this crisis of identity is due to a larger, institutional flaw first identified by the science studies scholar Bruno Latour as the problem of the "modern constitution." Latour's argument, often referred to as Actor-Network Theory (ANT), suggests that the epistemological arguments about scientific certainty are built on a contradiction. In viewing the problem of technical communication's disciplinarity through the lens of ANT, I argue that technical communication can never be productive if it seeks to locate itself within any of the institutional camps of the modern university. Rather, I contend that technical communication is a strong example of a nonmodern discipline, and that its identity crisis can be utilized to take one step towards rewriting the institutional debate over scientific certainty.
Keywords/Search Tags:Technical communication, Crisis
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