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Condition-based manintenance cost model

Posted on:2007-11-27Degree:M.SType:Thesis
University:State University of New York at BinghamtonCandidate:Tu, Yu-ChenFull Text:PDF
In the past decades, because of the development of sensor and monitor technologies, Condition-Based Maintenance (CBM) is getting wide attention. CBM is executed according to current machine status and thus can avoid unnecessary maintenances.;In this thesis, a maintenance cost model for a manufacturing system, is developed to achieve lower overall cost instead of just the minimal maintenance cost. Based on the machine/system's failure probability that is predicted based on the actual degradation measures, expected cost is calculated. Therefore, different from many CBM models in which maintenance is triggered as machine/system's condition is over a predefined threshold, in this thesis, preventive maintenance decision is made by trading-off between the expected cost without maintenance and the estimated cost of preventive maintenance. Assumption is made that as machine/system is deteriorating, so is the productivity, yield, and quality of output etc., so above parameters are taken into account and then a final maintenance decision is made. Several numerical examples are tested using the maintenance cost model developed in this thesis to demonstrate its advantages. (Abstract shortened by UMI.)...
Keywords/Search Tags:Cost, Maintenance, CBM
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