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Interactions between Eclipse Foundation members and Eclipse projects

Posted on:2010-05-25Degree:M.A.ScType:Thesis
University:Carleton University (Canada)Candidate:Lombardi, Stephen James AnthonyFull Text:PDF
This research uses a data mining technique and information on company websites to classify the interactions between a sample of 163 Eclipse Foundation member organizations and Eclipse projects. The results suggest that Eclipse members: (i) use multiple Eclipse technologies to create offerings; (ii) use Eclipse as a platform for new application development or for offering complementary services; (iii) use open source business models to create offerings with Eclipse; and (iv) develop plug-ins for existing Eclipse applications. This research is relevant to the Eclipse Foundation and to researchers interested in: (i) processes for harvesting data on company websites and (ii) motivations for companies to be involved in open source projects.
Keywords/Search Tags:Eclipse
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