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Developpement du systeme d'acquisition de donnees et de controle pour les boucles thermiques eau-vapeur et au freon de l'IGN

Posted on:2010-10-07Degree:M.Sc.AType:Thesis
University:Ecole Polytechnique, Montreal (Canada)Candidate:Popescu, Ovidiu-MihaiFull Text:PDF
A Data Acquisition System used in the thermal loops of the Institut de Genie Nucleaire (IGN) was developed. It uses a data acquisition unit (Tempscan 1000) as an intermediary device between measurement instruments and the user. A study was carried out in order to make the application more flexible, given that it will be used for data coming from two different loops (the water-steam and the Freon loops). Sequences for each stage of operation were programmed in the specific language of the data acquisition device. The main application was programmed in Visual C++.NET. Synchronization of the graphic interface elements with data flow from the data acquisition system was assured by multiple execution threads. The application was tested first with a shutted down loop. The results of this measurement were compared with those obtained using the initial application. In all the cases, the agreement was excellent. The final test of the application was performed by running the water-steam loop. The results were satisfactory and the application is currently used by the Laboratoire Thermo-hydraulique team of the IGN.;Both applications are presently used by IGN professors, personnel and students responsible of operating the thermal loops.;An application for controlling the Freon loop was also developed. It involved a detailed study of particular application requirements, including the definition of processes and functions for the system servers. A new graphic user interface was produced, while ensuring legacy compatibility. Working components of the application were tested satisfactorily in off operational Freon loop.
Keywords/Search Tags:IGN, Freon, Acquisition, Application, System, Loop, Used
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