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An investigation of social skill and social cognition in adolescents at genetic risk for psychosis

Posted on:2010-02-14Degree:M.AType:Thesis
University:The University of North Carolina at Chapel HillCandidate:Marks, Clare EFull Text:PDF
Adolescents at genetic high risk (GHR) for schizophrenia have shown social skill impairments and there is some evidence to suggest they have Theory of Mind (ToM) deficits; however no research has used a standardized behavioral measure to assess social functioning in this population nor evaluated ToM with a well-validated measure. The present study used a speech performance based task and a theoretically derived coding scheme to assess social functioning and the Eyes Test to assess ToM in 23 GHR adolescents and 31 non-psychiatric controls (NPCs). The GHR adolescents showed social skills impairments, but did not demonstrate ToM deficits. The results suggest that social skills may be a vulnerability marker for schizophrenia in GHR populations.
Keywords/Search Tags:Social, Adolescents
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