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Toward a single-consciousness: Challenging 'un-American-ness' of people of color

Posted on:2011-01-01Degree:M.AType:Thesis
University:San Jose State UniversityCandidate:Kamil, BhawanaFull Text:PDF
GTID:2445390002966115Subject:American Studies
Race is a major axis of social injustice in America. Social injustice is due to both maldistribution of material resources and opportunities and non-recognition or mis-recognition of people of color. One form of mis-recognition is the accusation that a person of color is not a real American, creating a conflict of identities (i.e., racial and American): a double-consciousness. This accusation has its origins in faulty ideas about race, identity, and race-group membership.;This paper presents a new model of identity that addresses these faulty ideas and provides a conceptual structure within which one can consistently maintain a single-consciousness while maintaining identifications with various domains of identity. Also discussed are the ramifications of such a model, implications for group action, a case study of Muslim-Americans, and the ramifications of President Obama's election.
Keywords/Search Tags:Social injustice
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