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A Qualitative Examination of Comprehensive Workplace Health Promotion Strategies in Some Workplaces in the Districts of Simcoe and Muskoka

Posted on:2011-07-09Degree:M.P.HType:Thesis
University:Lakehead University (Canada)Candidate:Marshall, BrendaFull Text:PDF
GTID:2444390002455010Subject:Health Sciences
The Ontario Public Health Standards [OPHS] (Ministry of Health and Long-term Care [MHLTC], 2008) recommend a population health promotion approach and evidence-based best practice for local boards of health to address lifestyle behaviours of employees in workplaces. To address chronic diseases in the workplace setting, the OPHS recommends a comprehensive health promotion approach including the Ottawa Charter for Health Promotion (World Health Organization, 1986) strategies of developing personal skills, creating supportive environments, building healthy public policy, and strengthening community action.;The purpose of this study was to provide more insight into the recommended strategies of CWHP and identify supports and barriers for workplaces to implement CWHP strategies for physical activity and healthy eating, as outlined in the HSAW toolkit. Twelve key informants, which included a manager and a HSAW coordinator from each of the six pilot sites in the districts of Simcoe and Muskoka that participated in the project over a one year period provided information in semi-structured interviews.;The results of the interviews offered some insights into the intricate, dynamic and interrelated issues and successes of CWHP programming. In general, respondents revealed that the management and employees in their organizations were receptive to some of the components in the toolkit but did not view all of the strategies of CWHP as a priority. Four key environmental supports for CWHP were identified: organizational commitment, wellness committees, organizational culture, and physical environment supports. The pilot sites appeared to gravitate toward the more basic skill building components in the HSAW toolkit and were hesitant to delve into the arena of policy development, community action, and program planning and evaluation, due to lack of knowledge and capacity.;The results of this study revealed that more ongoing education is needed, as well as dissemination of examples and resources of best practices to instill more confidence and acceptance of the concept of CWHP in such workplaces. In order to make CWHP more of a priority, it may be helpful if government offers incentives, such as tax breaks, or create macro-level strategies.;Based on the OPHS requirements and the Ottawa Charter for Health Promotion strategies, the Simcoe Muskoka District Health Unit [SMDHU] developed the Healthy Steps at Work [HSAW] toolkit. This electronic resource has downloadable components for workplaces to implement all the strategies of a Comprehensive Workplace Health Promotion [CWHP] program and for employees to improve their physical activity, healthy eating, and sun safety behaviours with a goal of reducing their risk of chronic disease development.
Keywords/Search Tags:Health, Strategies, CWHP, Workplaces, OPHS, Simcoe, Comprehensive, HSAW
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