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Mechanical testing of bone regenerate produced by a BTRP-01 device

Posted on:2011-06-21Degree:M.SType:Thesis
University:The Texas A&M University System Health Science CenterCandidate:Nagashima, Lucy KiomeFull Text:PDF
GTID:2442390002964018Subject:Health Sciences
Mandibular reconstruction is clinically challenging. One option for reconstruction is bone transport distraction osteogenesis (BTDO), which creates new bone within a defect by moving a bone segment detached from one edge of the gap to the other edge. The purpose of this research was to evaluate mechanical properties of bone regenerated by BTDO. Six dogs underwent BTDO to fill a surgically created mandibular defect, followed by 30 days consolidation. At sacrifice, mandibles were collected and regenerate and contralateral control bones were examined. Bone specimens were prepared and measured for density, ultrasonic velocity and microhardness testing.Results showed the control bone was 22.3% denser than regenerate, correlating with 42.6% greater hardness. Ultrasonic testing showed lower anisotropy of the regenerate, indicating less orientation in the regenerate bone. This study demonstrated that regenerate bone is similar to control bone after BTDO and one-month consolidation, but has not yet achieved full mechanical integrity.
Keywords/Search Tags:Regenerate, BTDO, Mechanical, Testing
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