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The Basic Practice And Predicament Of Poverty Alleviation Projects

Posted on:2019-06-23Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:W P HuangFull Text:PDF
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In response to the central government's targeted poverty alleviation strategy and poverty elimination goals,local governments at various levels have issued corresponding policies and measures to win the fight against poverty.The proposal of the strategy of targeted poverty reduction made the "project resources" start moving to poor areas and poor villages.The process of the project to the countryside is mixed with the government's intention,which is to accelerate poverty alleviation by developing the resources.The central government hopes it will improve the capacity for selfdevelopment of the poor groups by injecting project resources,so as to change the face of poverty and backwardness of poor areas and poor groups.And local governments put their achievements of poverty relief in the hope of poverty alleviation projects.They hope to achieve victory in the fight against poverty as well as their work performance.In this context,a large number of poverty reduction projects have gathered in poor villages.With the new development opportunities they have,poor villages are faced a series of problems and challenges.This paper takes a poor village(Ba village)in Southwest of Guizhou Province as the research unit,studies on major poverty alleviation projects in the village.Choosing the poverty governance as the point to start,the thesis mainly analyzes the relationship and gambling between the operation process of poverty reduction and its multiple subjects,and presents the characteristics of the poverty-alleviation projects in grass-roots villages and its plight.A continuous study on poverty alleviation projects in Ba village found that at the village level,although poverty alleviation projects have changed the poor and backwardness after its coming into the villages to a certain extent,it also created the situation of “ everyone struggled to be the poor.” In the process of resource allocation of poverty alleviation projects in the village,the interests of all groups are not balanced,resulting in the situation of grabbing resources of poverty reduction.At the same time,due to the lack of effective supervision and management system,the phenomenon of “elite capture” of poverty relief resources occurs frequently.Therefore,the public and collective consciousness of the village has been greatly weakened,and the social structure has been seriously stricken.At the level of poverty governance,poverty alleviation projects always have been implemented under the dominance of local governments.During the course of projects implementation,local governments embedded their administration intention into poverty alleviation projects,which not only minimized the effect of the projects,but also broke the target of grass-roots poverty governance.Based upon the above analysis,though it carries a wonderful prospect for the country to achieve poverty relief,there are many problems in the practice of povertyaid projects.In order to achieve the goal of fighting poverty,it is necessary to intensify the supervision of project implementation,ease the burden on the grass roots,and strictly prevent the formalization of poverty reduction.Moreover,it is indispensable to realize the intrinsic unity of the government will and the overall interests of the village,remould the ethical order of country society,and let the worldly morality return to the countryside.At the same time,it is essential to respect the realistic needs and the status of “subjectivity” of the poor groups in the practice of poverty reduction.Only by placing the interests of the poor groups at the top of the poverty alleviation can the antipoverty and the governance of grass-roots society be truly realized.
Keywords/Search Tags:poverty alleviation projects, practice on projects, a team of five people, Ba village
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