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Research On The Influencing Factors And Countermeasures Of Employee Turnover In Merger And Reorganization Of H Company

Posted on:2019-03-21Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Y H LuoFull Text:PDF
GTID:2439330545490811Subject:Business administration
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In recent years,the reform of the market economy system in China has gradually deepened and the market opening up gradually.In this process of alternation of the old and new economic system,with the global grim economic situation and the management dilemma of the enterprise itself,many central enterprises have met the unprecedented dilemma.Take the logistics and transportation enterprises as an example,many private logistics enterprises have developed rapidly in the previous years,and the logistics industry has a fierce competition.In recent years,it has been affected by various market factors,which have caused some enterprises to have difficulties in operation,profit decline and even bankruptcy and bankruptcy,which makes many enterprises do not renew their contracts,economic compensation,and buyout workers by labor contracts.Under the guidance of the national economic policy,some of the same types of logistics central enterprises have merged and reorganized under the guidance of the national economic policy.In the process of merger and reorganization,it also brings another negative problem,that is,the merger of enterprises.A large number of employees leave the job.How to solve the massive turnover problem of employees after reorganization has become a concern of enterprises.This paper,based on the literature of employee turnover at home and abroad,uses the methods of literature research,case analysis,questionnaire and interview and so on.On the basis of the in-depth understanding of the status of the central enterprise H company and its human resources,the problem of employee turnover after the merger and reorganization of H company is the breakthrough point,and management science is used.The theory and knowledge of human resource management,analysis of the problem of large scale turnover after the merger and reorganization of H company,and through the questionnaire survey,the factors that affect the employee turnover of H company are mainly enterprise factors and external factors,and then the countermeasures and measures are put forward to keep the talents and reduce the turnover after the merger and reorganization of H company.The first part: introduction.This part mainly expounds the significance and background of the topic selection,introduces the research methods and research ideas of the thesis,and summarizes the main contents and innovations of the paper.The second part: literature review and theoretical overview of employee turnover.This paper mainly introduces the concept of turnover related to this thesis,researches the existing mode of separation,and examines in depth the factors affecting employee turnover.The third part is the analysis of employee turnover after merger and reorganization of H company.According to the market background,industry scale,market orientation and market orientation of H company,through the questionnaire survey of employees and retired employees and the existing personnel materials of the company,the present situation of human resources of H company is understood and the employees who have left the company have been interviewed,and the overall turnover of the company of H company is summarized.The fourth part: the analysis of the influencing factors of employee turnover after merger and reorganization of H company.Using the questionnaire and other research methods,the basic information of the statistical staff is mastered,and the overall analysis of the statistical turnover information is carried out to obtain the three turnover factors under the merger and reorganization of the employees.One reason is that the employees' assessment of the position after the merger and reorganization mainly includes job satisfaction,career development expectation,future career development forecast and the expectation of finding other positions.The reasons are enterprise factors,mainly enterprise prestige and market position,enterprise scale,salary system,management system,working atmosphere.The main reasons are the interpersonal relationship and the degree of cultural identity;the three reasons are external environmental factors,which are mainly related to the level of economic development,the level of employment,inflation and the economic cycle.The fifth part: H company to solve the problem of employee turnover.Countermeasures start from the factors of departure,and propose solutions from the two perspectives of employees themselves and enterprises.In terms of employees themselves,employees should do well in career development planning and enhance trust in the organization.In the enterprise,first of all,we should strengthen the staff's psychological care from strengthening staff communication and soothing their family's emotions;secondly,strengthen the construction of salary and welfare,establish a fair distribution system and competition mechanism,improve the level of performance management;thirdly,strengthen the construction of enterprise culture,and make the company's development vision deeply rooted in the hearts of the people,not a sentence.Simple slogans;finally,because of the merger and reorganization,we should develop new promotion channels for employees,build a scientific and reasonable promotion management system,and do a good job of talent reserve.
Keywords/Search Tags:H company, merger and reorganization, turnover factors, turnover model
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