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Research On The Cultivation Of Children's Subjectivity In Percussion Teaching In Large Classes In Kindergartens

Posted on:2020-12-06Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:F J BiFull Text:PDF
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"Kindergarten education guidelines(trial)" pointed out that art activity is a kind of emotional and creative activities,in art activities should let children have personalized performance,and can experience the pleasure of participating in art activities.The teaching of percussion music in kindergarten can provide a good platform and environment for the development of children's subjectivity.In percussion teaching,teachers' purposeful and planned cultivation of children's subjectivity can promote their all-round development and promote their professional quality.This paper studies the cultivation of children's subjectivity in the teaching of large class percussion music in kindergartens,and tries to find out practical and feasible strategies to promote children's subjectivity.This study used literature method,interview method,case analysis method,observation method and other research methods.This research is divided into three chapters: introduction and text.The introduction mainly discusses the following five aspects: the thesis topic selection reason;Literature review;Research purpose and significance;Research methods;Innovation in research.Chapter one is a theoretical overview of the teaching of large-class percussion and the cultivation of children's subjectivity.It mainly includes the concept,basic content and basic features of the teaching of large-class percussion,the concept and main content of the cultivation of large-class percussion and the value of the cultivation of children's subjectivity in the teaching of large-class percussion.The second chapter mainly discusses the status quo,problems and causes of the cultivation of children's subjectivity in the teaching of large class percussion music in kindergarten.The analysis of the current situation reveals the teaching forms and methods adopted in the percussion activities of kindergartens,the design and use of main elements,the organization and implementation of teachers,and the material support provided by the kindergarten to teachers in percussion teaching.To clarify the problems existing in the cultivation of children's subject in the teaching of large class percussion music in kindergarten,such as the rigid teaching mode of percussion music ignores the cultivation of children's subjectivity;The design of main elements in percussion teaching is of low quality and improper use,which hinders the development of children's subjectivity.The interaction between percussion teachers and children is monotonous,lacking of children's active exploration;The park has inadequate resources for percussion teaching.The reasons are as follows: teachers do not pay enough attention to the cultivation of children's subjectivity in percussion teaching,and their professional qualities are not high;The lessons and links of percussion teaching are not reasonable.The strategy of teacher-child interaction in percussion teaching is not scientific.Kindergartens do not provide enough supportfor the cultivation of children's subjectivity in percussion teaching.The third chapter puts forward the measures of cultivating children's subjectivity in the teaching of large class percussion music,and reflects on the cultivation of children's subjectivity after the teaching activities of percussion music,and puts forward some teaching Suggestions.Measures one,pay attention to the cultivation of children's subjectivity,break the rigid teaching model,such as the establishment of scientific,holistic view of teaching and children's view,the use of advanced teaching model and a variety of teaching methods,improve the participation and performance of children's main body;Measure 2.Make full use of the main elements of percussion media to optimize the teaching link setting.For example,teachers should make good teaching preparation for cultivating children's subjectivity.Measures 3.Optimize the strategy of teacher-child interaction,strengthen the exploration activities of children's subjectivity after the end of teaching,such as using the overall teaching method to enhance the effective interaction between teachers and students,selecting interesting content and operable materials to support the interaction,paying attention to the process of teacher-child mutual evaluation,and encouraging small bands to adopt exploratory learning;The fourth is to guarantee the support of cultivating children's subjective resources in percussion teaching.For example,the kindergarten is required to increase capital investment to increase the number and types of percussion music,attach importance to teacher training and formulate the assessment system of percussion music teaching,and share teaching resources to achieve mutual learning and communication improvement.
Keywords/Search Tags:kindergarten large class, Percussion teaching, Subjectivity, To cultivate
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