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Health Survey Of Young Office Workers In Beijing

Posted on:2021-01-07Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:J GuoFull Text:PDF
GTID:2434330620977257Subject:Radio and Television
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
The World Health Organization(who)Shanghai health education and health promotion cooperation center has launched a large-scale network survey on the sub-health of urban people.In the survey,it is found that the phenomenon of white-collar workers facing sub-health is more and more common,about 98.8% of white-collar workers have different degrees of sub-health status,in which 26-30-year-old people have become the "main force" of severe sub-health,accounting for 64.2%.Especially in the first tier cities,it is the champion of the serious sub-health rate,with the serious sub-health rate reaching 91%! The sub-health problems of young working people have entered the stage of white hot unconsciously,which deserves our attention and concern.The fierce competitiveness and greater life pressure of first tier cities make it more difficult for young office workers to balance the relationship between life and work.In addition to facing multiple pressures,poor living habits and lack of self-discipline also greatly increased the disease risk of young office workers,making young office workers in overdraft health in the continuous forward.This not only makes the health problems faced by young office workers more and more serious,but also leads to a lot of social problems,and has become the main reason for the frequency of white-collar sudden death in recent years.Therefore,health has become a serious problem that young workers must pay attention to.Youth is the pillar of the motherland,the hope of the nation,but also our attention and concern groups.With the rapid development of China's economy and the constant acceleration of the pace of life,people's life style has also changed dramatically.Nowadays,the computer office and network office formed by the development of information technology make more and more young people become the working group after entering the social work,and the working hours are gradually extended.Even under the influence of Internet enterprises,overtime has become a common practice.Beijing,Shanghai,Shenzhen and other first tier cities are among the top overtime areas.In order to survive,young office workers sometimes have to give up their precious rest time,their sports time and even their health unconsciously.In addition,poor daily life,eating habits and lack of exercise make "lumbar disease","cervical spondylosis","endocrine disorders","hair loss","insomnia" and other sub-health problems increase dramatically,which has become a hidden killer threatening the health of office workers.This graduation work "Youth Concern" focuses on the health status of young office workers in Beijing in the form of TV interview program.According to the analysis of questionnaire results and street interviews of 75 young office workers from Beijing,in-depth interviews are conducted with "Li Erdong",a guest representative of Beijing young office workers.This paper discusses the health problems and the disease risks faced by the young working people in Beijing from the four aspects of "work and rest","eating habits","disease obsession" and "exercise and fitness".At the same time,I also hope that through the program,I call on young office workers to pay attention to health,health,reflection and improvement of their bad living habits,enhance their daily exercise,and pay attention to their physical changes.Having a healthy body is the core foundation of all problems.
Keywords/Search Tags:Beijing, young workers, health, lifestyle, interview, questionnaire
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