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Design And Implementation Of A Local Tax Comprehensive Platform

Posted on:2019-03-22Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Y H ChenFull Text:PDF
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Strengthening the coordination and co-governance of taxation information,and timely collecting the relevant information on tax collection and management are of great significance for realizing the collection of income according to law.With social and economic developing,tax-related information presents a blowout,relying on traditional methods of collecting and collecting information,it is difficult to maintain the balance of information between tax authorities and taxpayers.In order to optimize the collection and integration of tax-related information,the taxation department has successively established a tax collaborative management information collection and management system.Guided by the theory of demand engineering,project organization,planning and control theory,this paper studies the collaborative and co-governing system of tax-related information management on the basis of studying the information collection management system at home and abroad,combined with the current tax-related information management issues.To establish a sound tax information collection management system.First,through the research on requirements engineering and project management,the system development model architecture and development platform are B/S(Browse/Server)and J2EE(Java2 Plantform Enterprise Edition);the second is to summarize the current status of tax-related information collection and application.On the basis,clear the platform management,design and related tax-related data processing process to further clarify the system requirements;third,according to the needs analysis,from the platform architecture design,system overall structure and specific function design,database design,interface design,operation design,etc.The design of the tax coordination and governance platform system is carried out in several aspects.Fourthly,the B/S model based on the J2 EE architecture completes the design and development of the tax system co-processing platform including the business reform data exchange,civil affairs data interaction,and taxpayer simple cancellation.At present,the platform has been put into use.Through the application platform information management,the tax authorities have greatly improved the collection,query,analysis and management of taxpayer tax-related data,effectively reducing the workload of data interaction management and taxing tax administrators.The investigation and review of tax-related information provided by people provides a more convenient and quick way,effectively improving the tax collection and management efficiency of tax authorities,and reducing the time for taxpayers to wait for audits.
Keywords/Search Tags:Tax Comprehensive Platform, J2EE, B/S
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